La. Admin. Code tit. 40 § XVI-101
Account- the Workforce Development Training Account.
Applicant- the business requesting training assistance from LDOL under this program, including a registered joint labor and employer group-administered apprenticeship program under §103. A.4
Award- funding approved under this program for eligible training activities.
Awardee- an applicant (and/or company(ies)) receiving a training award under this program.
Contract- a legally enforceable agreement between LDOL, the applicant and a training provider governing the terms and conditions of the training award.
Contractee- the applicant and training provider that are party to a training award contract with LDOL under this program.
Incumbent Worker- a worker who is currently on the payroll of the applicant.
Individual Standardized Training- off-the-shelf training that is not customized to the needs of the individual applicant and that is currently offered by a training provider at the time the application is filed with LDOL; to be provided through the Small Business Employee Training Program and to be administered in accordance with §113
LDOL- the Louisiana Department of Labor.
Monitoring Entity- a public or private entity contracted or selected to monitor the compliance of a contractee with the terms and conditions of a training award contract.
Secretary- the Secretary of the Department of Labor.
Supplant- diversion of normal training funding for other uses simply because training funds are awarded under the Incumbent Worker Training Program.
Training Provider- the entity providing the customized training for the awardee.
La. Admin. Code tit. 40, § XVI-101