Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section IX-109 - Powers and Duties of the Director of ApprenticeshipA. The director of apprenticeship, under the supervision of the executive director of the Louisiana Workforce Commission, and with the advice and guidance of the state apprenticeship council, is authorized to administer the provisions of the Louisiana Apprenticeship Law (R.S. 23:381 et seq.). The director of apprenticeship shall perform the following functions: 1. in cooperation with the state apprenticeship council, set up conditions and training standards for apprenticeship agreements, which shall in no case be lower than those prescribed by the Louisiana Apprenticeship Law;2. act as secretary of the state apprenticeship council;3. approve any apprenticeship agreement which meets the standards established for an apprenticeship program properly registered with the Louisiana Workforce Commission, Apprenticeship Division;4. terminate or cancel any apprenticeship agreement in accordance with the provisions of such agreement or the minimum standards for that approved program;5. keep a record of apprenticeship agreements and their disposition;6. issue certificates of completion of apprenticeship;7. evaluate performance of registered apprenticeship programs using tools and factors that include, but are not limited to quality assurance assessments, Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) reviews and program completion rates;8. perform such other duties as are necessary to carry out the terms and conditions provided in the State Apprenticeship Standards; and9. when it is the opinion of the director of apprenticeship, or in the opinion of the State Apprenticeship Council it is needed, the director of apprenticeship may request survey information to justify journeyworker wages being paid by employers. This information shall include employer's name, address and telephone number, journeyworker wage and any other information the director of apprenticeship feels is needed. Failure to submit all of such information as requested shall constitute a violation of these rules and shall subject the apprenticeship program sponsor to deregistration of its apprenticeship program; a. a complete list of affiliated employers shall be updated and submitted to the director of apprenticeship on an annual basis for such purposes;10. provide technical assistance to employers who strive to sponsor a registered apprenticeship program with the development of their proposed apprenticeship standards; review proposed standards for adherence to state and federal requirements; issue preliminary approval of new programs, pending concurrence by the State Apprenticeship Council; issue one year provisional registration of new programs and certificate of full registration pending that said program is found in compliance of its standards of apprenticeship after the first year of operation.La. Admin. Code tit. 40, § IX-109
Promulgated by the Department of Labor, Office of Labor, LR 12:428 (July 1986), amended LR 17:356 (April 1991), amended by the Louisiana Workforce Commission, Office of Workforce Development, LR 37:2211 (July 2011).AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 23:381-391.