Chapter 35 - Regulation 56-Credit for Reinsurance
- Section XIII-3501 - Purpose
- Section XIII-3503 - Severability
- Section XIII-3505 - Credit for Reinsurance-Reinsurer Authorized in this State
- Section XIII-3507 - Credit for Reinsurance-Accredited Reinsurers
- Section XIII-3509 - Credit for Reinsurance-Reinsurers Maintaining Trust Funds
- Section XIII-3510 - Credit for Reinsurance-Certified Reinsurers
- Section XIII-3511 - Credit for Reinsurance-Reciprocal Jurisdictions
- Section XIII-3513 - Credit for Reinsurance Required by Law [Formerly Section 3511]
- Section XIII-3515 - Reduction from Liability for Reinsurance Ceded to an Unauthorized Assuming Insurer [Formerly Section 3513]
- Section XIII-3517 - Trust Agreements Qualified under Section 3515 [Formerly Section 3515]
- Section XIII-3519 - Letters of Credit Qualified under Section 3515 [Formerly Section 3517]
- Section XIII-3521 - Other Security [Formerly Section 3519]
- Section XIII-3523 - Reinsurance Contract [Formerly Section 3521]
- Section XIII-3525 - Agreements Requiring Approval [Formerly Section 3523]
- Section XIII-3527 - Contracts Affected [Formerly Section 3525]