Chapter 7 - Use of Radionuclides in the Healing Arts
- Section XV-701 - Purpose and Scope
- Section XV-702 - License Required and Exemptions
- Section XV-703 - License Amendments and Provisions for Research Involving Human Subjects
- Section XV-704 - Notifications
- Section XV-705 - ALARA Program
- Section XV-706 - Radiation Safety Officer
- Section XV-707 - Radiation Safety Committee
- Section XV-708 - Statement of Authorities and Responsibilities
- Section XV-709 - Supervision
- Section XV-710 - Report and Notification of a Dose to an Embryo/Fetus or a Nursing Child
- Section XV-711 - Mobile Nuclear Medicine Service Administrative Requirements
- Section XV-712 - Notifications, Reports, and Records of Medical Events
- Section XV-713 - Suppliers
- Section XV-714 - Quality Control of Imaging Equipment
- Section XV-715 - Possession, Use, Calibration, and Checking of Dose Calibrators and of Instruments to Measure Dosages of Alpha-Emitting or Beta-Emitting Radionuclides
- Section XV-716 - Calibration and Checking of Survey Instruments
- Section XV-717 - Assay of Radiopharmaceutical Dosages
- Section XV-718 - Authorization for Calibration, Transmission, and Reference Sources
- Section XV-719 - Requirements for Possession of Sealed Sources and Brachytherapy Sources
- Section XV-720 - Syringe Shields
- Section XV-721 - Syringe Labels
- Section XV-722 - Vial Shields
- Section XV-723 - Vial and Vial Shield Labels
- Section XV-724 - Surveys for Contamination and Ambient Radiation Dose Rate
- Section XV-725 - Release of Individuals Containing Radiopharmaceuticals or Permanent Implants
- Section XV-726 - Mobile Medical Service Technical Requirements
- Section XV-727 - Storage of Volatiles and Gases
- Section XV-728 - Decay-in-Storage
- Section XV-729 - Use of Radiopharmaceuticals for Uptake, Dilution, or Excretion Studies
- Section XV-730 - Possession of Survey Instrument
- Section XV-731 - Use of Radiopharmaceuticals, Generators, and Reagent Kits for Imaging and Localization Studies
- Section XV-732 - Permissible Molybdenum-99, Strontium-82, and Strontium-85 Concentrations
- Section XV-733 - Control of Aerosols and Gases
- Section XV-734 - Possession of Survey Instruments
- Section XV-735 - Use of Radiopharmaceuticals for Therapy
- Section XV-736 - Safety Instruction
- Section XV-737 - Safety Precautions
- Section XV-738 - Possession of Survey Instruments
- Section XV-739 - Use of Sealed Sources and Medical Devices for Diagnosis
- Section XV-740 - Availability of Survey Instrument
- Section XV-741 - Use of Sources for Brachytherapy
- Section XV-742 - Safety Instructions
- Section XV-743 - Safety Precautions
- Section XV-744 - Brachytherapy Records
- Section XV-745 - Surveys After Source Implant and Removal
- Section XV-746 - Possession of Survey Instruments
- Section XV-747 - Use of Sealed Sources in Teletherapy Units, Remote Afterloader Units, and Gamma Stereotactic Radiosurgery Units
- Section XV-748 - Maintenance and Repair Restrictions
- Section XV-749 - Amendments
- Section XV-750 - Safety Procedures and Instructions for Remote Afterloader Units, Teletherapy Units, and Gamma Stereotactic Radiosurgery Units
- Section XV-751 - Safety Precautions for Remote Afterloader Units, Teletherapy Units, and Gamma Stereotactic Radiosurgery Units
- Section XV-752 - Possession of Survey Instrument
- Section XV-753 - Radiation Monitoring Device
- Section XV-754 - Viewing System
- Section XV-755 - Dosimetry Equipment and Therapy-Related Computer Systems
- Section XV-756 - Full Calibration Measurements on Teletherapy Units, Remote Afterloader Units, and Gamma Stereotactic Radiosurgery Units
- Section XV-757 - Periodic Spot-Checks
- Section XV-758 - Radiation Surveys
- Section XV-759 - Safety Spot-Checks for Teletherapy Facilities
- Section XV-760 - Modification of Teletherapy Unit or Room before Beginning a Treatment Program
- Section XV-761 - Reports of Teletherapy Surveys, Checks, Tests, and Measurements
- Section XV-762 - Full Inspection Servicing for Teletherapy and Gamma Stereotactic Radiosurgery Units
- Section XV-763 - Training
- Section XV-776 - Medical Advisory Committee
- Section XV-777 - Written Directives