Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section XI-703 - Requirements for Use of Release Detection MethodsA. Requirements for All UST Systems 1. Owners and operators of all UST systems shall use a method, or combination of the methods, of release detection described in LAC 33:XI.701.2. The method of release detection used shall also meet the following requirements. a. The release detection method used shall be capable of detecting a release from any portion of the tank and the connected underground piping that routinely contains product.b. The release detection system shall be installed and calibrated in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.c. The release detection system shall meet the performance requirements in LAC 33:XI.701.A, B, or LAC 33:XI.Chapter 8, as applicable, with any performance claims and their manner of determination described in writing by the equipment manufacturer or installer, or in accordance with the third party evaluations, unless otherwise approved by the department. In addition, methods listed in LAC 33:XI.701.A.2, 3, 4, 7, and 8, LAC 33:XI.701.B.1 and 2, and LAC 33:XI.33.Chapter 8 shall be capable of detecting the leak rate or quantity specified for that method in the corresponding Section of LAC 33:XI.701 or LAC 33:XI.Chapter 8 with a probability of detection of at least 0.95 and a probability of false alarm of no greater than 0.05.d. The release detection system shall be operated and maintained in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. Beginning September 20, 2021, the release detection method used shall be operated and maintained, and electronic components shall be tested for proper operation, in accordance with manufacturers instructions, a code of practice developed by a nationally recognized organization or independent testing laboratory listed in LAC 33:XI.599, or requirements developed by the department that are no less protective of human health and the environment than the two options listed above.i. A test of the proper operation shall be performed at least once every 12 months and, at a minimum, as applicable to the facility, cover the components and criteria listed in LAC 33:XI.703.A.2.d.ii.(a).-(e).ii. The equipment listed below that fails testing shall be repaired or replaced within 30 days of the failed test date:(a). automatic tank gauge and other controllers: (ii). verify configuration; and(iii). test battery backup;(b). probes and sensors: (i). inspect for residual buildup;(ii). ensure floats move freely;(iii). ensure shaft is not damaged;(iv). ensure cables are free of kinks and breaks; and(v). test alarm operability and communication with the controller;(c). automatic line leak detector: test operation to meet criteria in LAC 33:XI.701.B.1;(d). vacuum pumps and pressure gauges: ensure proper communication with sensors and controller; and/or(e). hand-held electronic sampling equipment associated with groundwater and vapor monitoring: ensure proper operation.3. When a release detection method operated in accordance with the performance standards in LAC 33:XI.701.A, B, or LAC 33:XI.Chapter 8 indicates that a release may have occurred, owners and operators shall notify the Office of Environmental Assessment in accordance with LAC 33:XI.707. If more than one method of release detection is conducted on a UST system, and, if any one of these release detection methods indicates that the release may have occurred which cannot be overruled by one of the other methods currently in use, a suspected release shall be reported in accordance with LAC 33:XI.707.4. The release detection method used shall provide a conclusive result at least once every 30 days. When an inconclusive result is received, the UST owner or operator shall either run another release detection test, where applicable, or conduct an alternate method of release detection in order to obtain a conclusive result for the 30 day monitoring period. If no alternate method of release detection is available, the UST owner or operator may conduct a tank and/or line tightness test in accordance with LAC 33:XI.701.A.3 and/or B.2 within seven days of the end of the 30 day monitoring period in order to satisfy this requirement.5. Any UST system that cannot apply a method of release detection that complies with the requirements of LAC 33:XI.701-705 shall complete the closure procedures in LAC 33:XI.Chapter 9. For previously deferred UST systems described in LAC 33:XI.101 and LAC 33:XI.Chapter 8, this requirement is applicable after the effective dates described in LAC 33:XI.101.A.1.b and LAC 33:XI.801.A.B. Additional Requirements for Petroleum and Motor Fuel UST Systems. In addition to the requirements specified in LAC 33:XI.703.A, owners and operators of petroleum and motor fuel UST systems shall provide release detection for tanks and piping as follows. 1. Tanks. Tanks shall be monitored for releases as follows.a. Tanks installed on or before December 20, 2008, shall be monitored for releases at least once every 30 days using one of the methods listed in LAC 33:XI.701.A.3-8, except for the following.i. UST systems that meet the performance standards in LAC 33:XI.303.D or E, and the monthly inventory control requirements in LAC 33:XI.701.A.1 or 2, may use tank tightness testing (conducted in accordance with LAC 33:XI.701.A.3) at least every 5 years until 10 years after the tank was installed. Inventory control and manual tank gauging, conducted in accordance with LAC 33:XI.701.A.1 or 2, in conjunction with tank tightness testing are no longer allowed as release detection methods after December 20, 2018.ii. Tanks with a capacity of 550 gallons or less and tanks with a capacity of 551 to 1000 gallons that meet the tank diameter criteria in LAC 33:XI.701.A.2 may use manual tank gauging (conducted in accordance with LAC 33:XI.701.A.2).b. Tanks installed after December 20, 2008, or after the date of the extension granted under LAC 33:XI.303.C.2, shall be monitored for releases at least once every 30 days in accordance with LAC 33:XI.701.A.6.2. Piping. Underground piping that routinely contains regulated substances shall be monitored for releases in a manner that meets one of the following requirements.a. Piping installed on or before December 20, 2008, shall meet one of the following. i. Pressurized Piping. Underground piping that conveys regulated substances under pressure shall: (a). be equipped with an automatic line leak detector in accordance with LAC 33:XI.701.B.1; and(b). have a line tightness test conducted every 12 months in accordance with LAC 33:XI.701.B.2, or have monthly monitoring conducted in accordance with LAC 33:XI.701.B.3.ii. Suction Piping. Underground piping that conveys regulated substances under suction shall either have a line tightness test conducted at least every three years and in accordance with LAC 33:XI.701.B.2, or use a monthly monitoring method conducted in accordance with LAC 33:XI.701.B.3. No release detection is required for suction piping designed and constructed to meet the following standards: (a). the below-grade piping operates at less than atmospheric pressure;(b). the below-grade piping is sloped so that the contents of the pipe will drain back into the storage tank if the suction is released;(c). only one check valve is included in each suction line;(d). the check valve is located directly below and as close as practical to the suction pump; and(e). a method is used that allows compliance with Clauses B.2.b.ii-iv of this Section to be readily determined and verified.b. Piping installed or replaced after December 20, 2008, or after the extension granted under LAC 33:XI.303.C.1 and 2, shall meet one of the following.i. Pressurized piping shall be monitored for releases at least once every 30 days in accordance with LAC 33:XI.701.B.4 and be equipped with an automatic line leak detector in accordance with LAC 33:XI.701.B.1.ii. Suction piping shall be monitored for releases at least once every 30 days in accordance with LAC 33:XI.701.B.4. No release detection is required for suction piping that meets the requirements of Subclauses a.ii.(a).-(e). of this Paragraph.C. Additional Requirements for Hazardous Substance UST Systems. In addition to the requirements of LAC 33:XI.703.A, owners and operators of hazardous substance UST systems shall provide containment that meets the following requirements and monitor the tanks for systems using LAC 33:XI.701.A.6 and the piping for systems using 701.B.4 at least once every 30 days.1. Secondary containment systems shall be designed, constructed, and installed in accordance with LAC 33:V.4437 to:a. contain regulated substances leaked from the primary containment until they are detected and removed;b. prevent the release of regulated substances to the environment at any time during the operational life of the UST system; andc. be checked for evidence of a release at least once every 30 days.2. Double-walled tanks shall be designed, constructed, and installed to:a. contain a release from any portion of the inner tank within the outer wall; andb. detect the failure of the inner wall.3. External liners (including vaults) shall be designed, constructed, and installed to: a. contain 100 percent of the capacity of the largest tank within the boundary of the external liner;b. prevent precipitation or groundwater intrusion from interfering with the ability to contain or detect a release of regulated substances; andc. surround the tank completely (i.e., the liner shall be capable of preventing lateral as well as vertical migration of regulated substances).4. Underground piping shall be equipped with secondary containment that satisfies the requirements of this Section (e.g., trench liners, jacketing of double-walled pipe). In addition, underground piping that conveys regulated substances under pressure shall be equipped with an automatic line leak detector, in accordance with LAC 33:XI.701.B.1.5. For hazardous substance UST systems installed on or before September 20, 2018, other methods of release detection may be used if the owners and operators: a. demonstrate to the department's satisfaction that the alternate method can detect a release of the stored substance as effectively as any of the methods allowed in LAC 33:XI.701.A.2-7 can detect a release of petroleum;b. provide information to the department on effective corrective action technologies, health risks, and chemical and physical properties of the stored substance, and the characteristics of the UST site; andc. obtain approval from the Office of Environmental Assessment to use the alternate release detection method before the installation and operation of the new UST system.La. Admin. Code tit. 33, § XI-703
Promulgated by the Department of Environmental Quality, Office of Solid and Hazardous Waste, Underground Storage Tank Division, LR 16:614 (July 1990), amended LR 17:658 (July 1991), amended by the Office of Environmental Assessment, Environmental Planning Division, LR 26:2559 (November 2000), amended by the Office of Environmental Assessment, LR 31:1073 (May 2005), amended by the Office of the Secretary, Legal Affairs Division, LR 33:2172 (October 2007), LR 34:1400 (July 2008), LR 34:2120 (October 2008), amended by the Office of the Secretary, Legal Division, LR 38:2762 (November 2012), Amended by the Office of the Secretary, Legal Affairs and Criminal Investigations Division, LR 432144 (11/1/2017), Amended LR 441609 (9/1/2018).AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 30:2001 et seq.