La. Admin. Code tit. 33 § IX-709

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section IX-709 - Miscellaneous Small Dischargers
A. Applicability. The provisions of this Part are applicable to discharge of wastewater pollutants or pollutant properties from the categories of small dischargers or facilities set forth herein and represent all levels of pollution control, including the best practicable control technology currently available, the best conventional pollutant control technology, the best available technology economically achievable, and standards of performance for new sources.
B. Sanitary and Domestic Waste Discharges with an Average Daily Flow of Less than 2,500 Gallons per Day
1. Waste discharges and their associated control facilities shall comply with all requirements of the state and local health authorities.
2. Waste discharges shall not exceed the following daily maximum concentration limitations:
a. five day biochemical oxygen demand-maximum concentration allowed in accordance with Secondary Treatment Effluent Standards (LAC 33:IX.711);
b. total suspended solids-maximum concentration allowed in accordance with Secondary Treatment Effluent Standards (LAC 33:IX.711);
c. oil and grease-20 mg/L.
3. Discharges within 1 mile of waters designated for primary contact recreation use shall not exceed a maximum fecal coliform organisms concentration of 400/100 mL.
4. Discharges within 2 miles of shellfish propagation areas shall not exceed a maximum fecal coliform organisms concentration of 200/100 mL.
5. When a discharge, or group of discharges, results in a violation of water quality standards, the department reserves the right to impose more stringent requirements.
C. Service Stations
1. Used oil shall be retained for reclamation, reuse, or off-site disposal in an approved disposal facility.
2. Drains within internal service areas shall be furnished with adequately designed and maintained traps for removal of oil and grease and suspended solids.
3. Above ground bulk storage tanks with a total capacity of more than 1,320 gallons or any single container in excess of 660 gallons shall be surrounded by an impervious dike with a retention volume equal to or greater than the largest storage tank within the diked area.
4. To the greatest extent possible, spills on external service areas shall be cleaned up using dry methods.
5. Discharges and runoff from internal and external service areas and diked bulk storage areas shall comply with a maximum oil and grease concentration limitation of 20 mg/L.
6. If sanitary wastes are combined with discharges from internal service areas, the combined wastes shall additionally comply with the provisions set forth in LAC 33:IX.709.B.1.
D. Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations- Reserved
E. Facilities For Storage of Pesticides- Reserved
F. Vessels
1. All vessels, both self-propelled and non self-propelled, with toilet facilities shall be equipped with an appropriate U.S. Coast Guard approved sanitation device.
2. Sanitary discharges from vessels equipped with a sanitation device shall comply with a maximum fecal coliform organisms concentration of 200/100 mL.
G. Transmission Company Compressor Stations- Reserved
H. Construction Sites
1. This category includes all construction sites under the control of a single party in which the disturbed area is larger than 5 acres. This category does not include pipeline rights-of-way unless a specific water quality problem is shown to exist at a given pipeline construction site whereupon control measures for that site may be required.
2. All wastewaters, including stormwater runoff, leaving the site boundaries shall be controlled so as to comply with the following limitations:
a. a maximum oil and grease concentration of 15 mg/L;
b. until such time as disturbed areas have been revegetated, a settleable solids concentration of 1.0 mL/L.
3. Waste or used oil shall not be applied as a dust control measure regardless of the size of the area.

La. Admin. Code tit. 33, § IX-709

Promulgated by the Department of Environmental Quality, Office of Water Resources, LR 11:1066 (November 1985), amended by the Office of Environmental Assessment, Environmental Planning Division, LR 26:2545 (November 2000).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 30:2001 et seq., and in particular Section 2074(B)(3) and (B)(4)