Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section XI-6153 - Transfer Students [Formerly LAC 28:CXI.1153]A. The following rules apply for transfer students who are Louisiana residents transferring into Louisiana public schools from out-of-state schools, nonpublic schools, or approved home study programs. 1. Requirements for transfer students in grade 4 or 8 or those who are seeking to enroll in grade 5 or 9 who have never been in membership in a public school in Louisiana or who were in membership in Louisiana public schools and transferred out-of-state or who transferred from Louisiana nonpublic schools or from an approved home study program are as follows. a. A fourth or eighth grade student who transfers to a Louisiana public school must take and pass either the spring administration of LEAP English Language Arts and Mathematics (ELA/Math) tests or the LEAP 2025 state placement test prior to enrollment in grades five or nine.b. Grade placement determinations for students in grades 4 or 8 who transfer from out of state, nonpublic or home study and seek enrollment in grade 5 or 9, and do not pass both the ELA and mathematics test, shall be made in accordance with promotion policy as outlined in Part XXXIX.La. Admin. Code tit. 28, § XI-6153
Promulgated by the Department of Education, Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, LR 31:1547 (July 2005), amended LR 32:236 (February 2006), Amended LR 47567 (5/1/2021).AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 17:7.