La. Admin. Code tit. 28 § XI-709

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section XI-709 - Calculating a Strength of Diploma Index [Formerly Section 613]
A. Beginning in 2017-2018 (2016-2017 cohort), points shall be assigned for each member of a cohort according to the following table.

Student Results


High School Diploma plus Associate's Degree


High School Diploma plus:

(a). AP score of 3 or higher; IB score of 4 or higher; or CLEP score of 50 or higher


(b). Advanced statewide Jump Start credential

*Students achieving both (a) and (b) will generate 160 points.


High School Diploma plus:

(a). At least one passing course grade for TOPS core curriculum credit of the following type: AP**; college credit; dual enrollment; or IB** OR

(b). Basic statewide Jump Start credential

*Students achieving both (a) and (b) will generate 115 points.

**Students must take the AP/IB exam and pass the course to earn 110 points


High School Diploma (includes Career Diploma student with a regional Jump Start credential)


HiSET plus Jump Start credential




Non-graduate without HiSET


B. Beginning with the 2026 SPS, a cohort member completing an internship and work-based learning experience as defined in LAC 28:CXV.3113. (Bulletin 741) shall earn an additional 5 points, up to a maximum of 160 points. A cohort member completing a Fast Forward-aligned apprenticeship shall earn the same number of points as a cohort member with an Associate's Degree.
1. - 2. Repealed.
C. The graduation index of a school shall be the average number of points earned by cohort members, except that students assessed using the LEAP Connect shall be included in the graduation index for the year in which they graduated or the year in which they exited after at least four years in high school with no subsequent re-enrollment by October 1 of the following academic year. Students who are not exited will be counted in the year that they reach the age of 22.
1. Starting with the graduating class of 2017-2018 (2019 SPS), only WIC-approved industry-based certifications (IBCs) will be included as basic statewide credentials.
2. A credential must be earned no later than August 31 following on-time graduation.
D. When related to awarding fifth-year graduate points, the enrollment must be continuous and consist of at least 45 calendar days only if the student graduates from an LEA different than the one to which the student was assigned in the fourth year.
E. To ensure the accuracy of data used to calculate the graduation index, the calculation shall lag one year behind the collection of the data. (The index earned by the graduating class of 2012 will be used for 2013 accountability calculations.)

La. Admin. Code tit. 28, § XI-709

Promulgated by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, LR 29:2744 (December 2003), amended LR 30:2256 (October 2004), LR 32:1026 (June 2006, LR 33:2594 (December 2007), LR 37:1123 (April 2011), LR 38:3110 (December 2012), Amended, LR 44455 (3/1/2018), Repromulgated LR 441998 (11/1/2018), Amended LR 47448 (4/1/2021), Amended LR 4943 (1/1/2023), Amended LR 49645 (4/1/2023), Amended LR 501145 (8/1/2024).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 17:6 and 17:10.1.