La. Admin. Code tit. 28 § XI-1713

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section XI-1713 - Acceleration Indicator
A. Louisiana acknowledges multiple pathways to demonstrate college, career, or service readiness. The acceleration indicator shall be the percentage of cohort members determined to be college and career ready and having earned a credential in accordance with this Chapter.
B. The acceleration indicator is determined by the percent of students meeting the requirements of this Section.
C. The denominator for the acceleration indicator shall be the same as the graduation cohort in accordance with §1709 of this Chapter.
D. Quality of college readiness is demonstrated by earning a college-ready score in accordance with §1711 of this Chapter and minimum score requirements as follows:
1. minimum of six college credits with a grade of C or better in one or more academic dual enrollment courses;
2. score of 3 or higher on an AP exam;
3. score of 4 of more on the IB exam;
4. ACT mathematics sub-score of 25 or higher or S AT mathematics sub-score of 590 or higher;
5. ACT English sub-score of 26 or higher or SAT Writing and Language score of 33 or higher; or
6. Three CLEP exams with course enrollment and a minimum score recognized by the Louisiana Board of Regents flagship university for college credit.
E. Quality of career readiness shall be demonstrated by completion of one or more of the following:
1. two years of fully aligned Fast Forward registered apprenticeship; or
2. industry based credential (IBC) or bundle of credentials determined to be of high value by the Louisiana Workforce Commission in addition to completion of a work-based learning experience in accordance with LAC 28:CXV.3113; or
3. certificate of technical studies in a high wage, high demand industry.
F. For any school in which 25 percent of the students earning acceleration credit through the provisions of Subsection E of this Section complete a work-based learning experience, the school shall earn a base of five percent to be added to the acceleration indicator.
1. In each year after the 2026 SPS, the percentage of such students expected to complete a work-based learning experience shall increase by five percent until the requirement equals 65 percent of career acceleration students.
2. A score of no more than 100 may be earned for the indicator.
3. Students satisfying the career acceleration requirement through a certificate of technical studies or a registered apprenticeship shall be considered to have completed a work-based learning experience.
G. Readiness for military service shall be demonstrated by one or more of the following:
1. a signed letter of commitment to military service; or
2. acceptance to a military service academy.
H. Pursuant to federal ESSA regulations, HiSET may not be included in the adjusted cohort graduation rate. The LDOE shall engage with the Louisiana Workforce Commission and Louisiana Community and Technical College System to identify appropriate basic IBC bundles to recognize within the acceleration indicator for students earning a HiSET.

La. Admin. Code tit. 28, § XI-1713

Promulgated by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, LR 501631 (11/1/2024).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 17:6, R.S. 17:6.1, and R.S. 17:10.1.