La. Admin. Code tit. 28 § XCVII-709

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section XCVII-709 - Provision of ESY Services
A. It is the responsibility of the special education administration to schedule the specific days of the week and the beginning and ending date options to accommodate each student's ESY services. As indicated throughout this process, duration is based on the individual needs of the student.
1. Regression-Recoupment Criterion (R-R). The emphasis will be on the maintenance of essential skills. The breaks between ESY and the regular school year should not exceed the break periods upon which the student qualified for ESY services.
2. Critical Point of Instruction 1 (CPI-1). The emphasis will be on the skills the student needs in order to prevent loss of general education time or to prevent an increase in special education service time. The length of time will be based on the number of skills the student must acquire to maintain his LRE.
3. Critical Point of Instruction 2 (CPI-2). The emphasis is on acquisition or maintenance of critical skills. The number of sessions per week will be dependent upon whether the specific student needs acquisition or maintenance. Acquisition programs are usually shorter with more sessions per week, while maintenance programs are often longer in duration with fewer sessions per week.
4. Special Circumstances (SC). The emphasis of the ESY services is on mastery of specifically targeted goals and objectives to assist in ensuring the student will be on track to achieve his or her measurable annual goals. The sessions/week and duration of the extended school year services will depend upon which and how many goals and objectives have been targeted and the lack of expected progress toward the achievement of the annual goals during the last school year.
B. T he focus of a student's ESY services would be based on the needs identified.
1. The IEP Team determines the services the student will need to receive during the extended school year and which personnel will be needed to provide the services.
2. Not all students need the same program length. Extended school year services are an individual, student-based decision.
3. There is no minimum or maximum number of goals and objectives to be identified for ESY instruction. The number of objectives identified for ESY instruction is based on individual student needs. The major purpose of ESY services is to extend instruction from the regular school year to maintain FAPE. The ESY is not a program aimed at remediating all areas of deficit.
a. If the IEP Team determines that a new goal and/or objectives are needed for ESY, then the IEP shall be amended and a new goal and/or objective written.
C. Location
1. The IEP Team discusses the location where the ESY service should take place to implement each ESY goal and/or the objectives/benchmarks. One or more locations may be recommended. The LEA shall determine the most reasonable location(s) for the provision of ESY services.
a. When the location selected is home, indicate the number of minutes under Community on the time-frame grid.
D. Date ESY to Begin
1. The amount or duration of ESY services cannot be unilaterally limited for all students. When planning ESY services, it would be appropriate to consider the LEA's summer calendar. When the LEA's summer calendar is not available at the time of the IEP Team meeting where ESY services are being discussed, the team may estimate the date to begin based on the duration of services determined to be needed by the student.
a. The IEP Team should discuss conflicts that could interfere with the student's attendance during the ESY. For example, there may be a family vacation or surgery scheduled. This information should be taken into account in scheduling the student's ESY services.
b. When a student meets eligibility criteria for ESY services under R-R, the breaks between regular school year and ESY services should not exceed the break periods used to determination eligibility.
E. Duration
1. The length of time ESY services is provided.
2. The criteria/criterion by which the student was determined eligible and the goals and/or objectives/benchmarks chosen to be addressed during the ESY services should dictate the duration of services.
F. Progress Reports
1. LEAs shall ensure that instructional personnel measure and report student outcomes. The student's progress toward achieving the measurable goal(s) during ESY services shall be recorded on the ESY form. A copy of the form with student progress indicated shall be sent to the parents within ten business days after the completion of ESY services.
2. A copy of the ESY form with the completed progress report information shall be placed in the student's IEP folder.
G. Transportation
1. Transportation shall be offered when necessary. As with other services, the IEP Team should recommend transportation services in the least restrictive, most appropriate mode available. The transportation recommended shall be reasonable and at no cost to the parents. Mileage reimbursement may be used as a transportation option only when the parents are willing to transport their child.
2. There may be cases in which students shall remain at a site longer than the time indicated on the ESY form of the IEP because of transportation limitations. When this is the case, the student shall be supervised at all times. The student's need to remain at the site because of transportation limitations shall be indicated in the comment box on the ESY form.
H. Evaluation
1. LEAs shall evaluate ESY services outcome data to determine overall effectiveness.
a. Effectiveness should be reflected in the match between the needs of the student and the services provided.
b. Effectiveness should be reflected in the criteria by which the students were determined to be eligible and whether the students mastered or maintained the goals/objectives/benchmarks chosen during the delivery of ESY services.
c. Effectiveness is evaluated from the individual student perspective, as well as system-wide.
d. Program operations should be examined to determine the effectiveness of the ESY services.

La. Admin. Code tit. 28, § XCVII-709

Promulgated by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, LR 35:2346 (November 2009).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 17:1941 et seq.