La. Admin. Code tit. 28 § XCIII-101

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section XCIII-101 - Introduction
A. The Louisiana Education Quality Trust Fund (Permanent Trust Fund) was established in September of 1986 by Louisiana Constitution Article VII, Section 10. 1, R.S. 17:3801. The Permanent Trust Fund is to receive the bulk of the proceeds from an offshore oil revenue settlement with the federal government. A separate Louisiana Quality Education Support Fund (support fund) was created in the Louisiana State Treasury to receive and hold the interest earnings from the trust. Fifty percent of the earnings in the support fund are constitutionally mandated to be appropriated by the legislature and allocated by the Louisiana state Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) for the enhancement of elementary and secondary education programs. The remaining fifty percent will be allocated by the Louisiana Board of Regents. To accomplish the goal of enhancement, the Constitution establishes the following as the purposes for which the BESE can allocate funds:
1. to provide compensation to city or parish school board of professional instructional employees;
2. to insure an adequate supply of superior textbooks, library books, equipment, and other instructional materials;
3. to fund exemplary programs in elementary and secondary schools designed to improve elementary and secondary student academic achievement or vocational-technical skill;
4. to fund carefully defined research efforts, including pilot programs, designed to improve elementary and secondary student academic achievement;
5. to fund school remediation programs and preschool programs;
6. to fund the teaching of foreign languages in elementary and secondary schools;
7. to fund an adequate supply of teachers by providing scholarships or stipends to prospective teachers in academic or vocational-technical areas where there is a critical teacher shortage.
B. The constitution and statutory law provide that the BESE must annually submit a program and budget to the legislature and the governor at least 60 days prior to the regular session, the program and budget for the expenditures for which it will make allocations. The allocations must not displace, replace or supplant appropriations from the general fund for the purposes of implementing the Minimum Foundation Program.
C. Contained in this manual are the policies adopted by the BESE to govern activities for the allocation of monies from the 8(g) support fund under its control. From these funds, the BESE will make allocations to enhance elementary and secondary education programs in Louisiana.

La. Admin. Code tit. 28, § XCIII-101

Promulgated by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, LR 38:3141 (December 2012).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 17:6(A)(10) and R.S. 49:951 et seq.