La. Admin. Code tit. 28 § V-235

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section V-235 - Meetings
A. Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the state law governing public bodies. It shall be the policy of the advisory board that all meetings are open to the public and that parties with interest in the proceedings are encouraged to attend.
B. All meetings shall provide a method by which individuals with disabilities may attend and participate via electronic means.
C. Notwithstanding §235.B no more than one third of the annual meetings conducted by the Advisory Board shall allow for the attendance and participation of its members by electronic means. In such cases, all of the following conditions shall be met:
1. Notice of the meeting shall be published on LOSFA's website at least 24 hours in advance of such meeting, and notification shall be emailed to members of the public and the news media who have requested such notice in advance. The notice shall provide detailed information as to how the public and news media may participate and submit comments during the meeting.
2. The presiding officer must be present at and conduct the meeting from an anchor location to be included on the notice of the meeting and must ensure all of the following:
a. that all public comments received both before and during the meeting are identified and acknowledged;
b. that each person participating in the meeting is clearly identified;
c. that all parts of the meeting, with the exception of any executive session called in accordance with §243.A.4, are able to be seen and heard by those participating electronically:
i. in the event the meeting is no longer audible or visible, the meeting must be recessed until such time as the sound and picture are full functional, but in no case more than one hour;
ii. in the event both auditory and visual access cannot be restored within one hour, the presiding officer must adjourn the meeting and no further business can be transacted;
d. that all votes are taken by roll call and that the responses of all members are heard by all of those participating.

La. Admin. Code tit. 28, § V-235

Promulgated by the Student Financial Assistance Commission, Office of Student Financial Assistance, LR 24:436 (March 1998), Amended by the Board of Regents, Office of Student Financial Assistance, LR 431729 (9/1/2017), Amended by the Tuition Trust Authority, Office of Student Financial Assistance, LR 50496 (4/1/2024).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 17:3021.