La. Admin. Code tit. 28 § V-121

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section V-121 - Membership
A. The advisory council shall be composed of 11 voting members as follows:
1. the chair of the Louisiana Development Disabilities Council or his designee;
2. the executive director of the governor's office of disability affairs or his designee;
3. the executive director of the Arc of Louisiana or his designee;
4. the executive director of People First of Louisiana or his designee;
5. a person with a disability selected by the executive director of People First of Louisiana;
6. a parent or family member of a person with a disability selected by the chair of the Louisiana Developmental Disabilities Council;
7. one member who is affiliated with Louisiana Rehabilitation Services or the Disability Program Navigator Initiative or any successors of these, appointed by the secretary of the Louisiana Workforce Commission;
8. an officer of a bank in Louisiana who is a member of the Louisiana Bankers Association and who is nominated by the Association;
9. one member of the House of Representatives appointed by the Speaker;
10. one member of the Senate appointed by the President; and
11. the state treasurer.
B. Term
1. The term of voting members shall be for the time period for which the person who holds the respective office or as long as the member is not replaced by the respective organization that appointed him, as applicable.
2. Members may serve consecutive terms.
3. Terms shall begin on October 1 of each year.
C. Notification of Membership
1. LOSFA will send a notice to the organizations represented on the advisory council in the event a member advises that they will no longer be available to serve requesting that someone be appointed. The organization shall respond within 45 days of the date LOSFA sends the notice in order for LOSFA to confirm the appointee's willingness to serve.
2. The appointee must submit the confirmation of membership within 45 days of the notice of appointment.
D. Replacements
1. If an appointee declines to participate or does not submit a timely confirmation, LOSFA shall so notify the appropriate organization and request another person be appointed.
2. In the event a member does not attend at least half of the regularly scheduled meetings of the membership in a year, the chair shall request that another member be appointed.

La. Admin. Code tit. 28, § V-121

Promulgated by the Student Financial Assistance Commission, Office of Student Financial Assistance, LR 22:813 (September 1996), repromulgated LR 24:1267 (July 1998), Repealed by the Board of Regents, Office of Student Financial Assistance, LR 431728 (9/1/2017), Promulgated by the Tuition Trust Authority, Office of Student Financial Assistance, LR 50491 (4/1/2024).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 17:3084.