Academic Cross-Reference-a reference to related academic content Standards.
AHEC-Area Health Education Center.
Articulation-the process of linking two or more educational systems to produce a smooth flow of students from one institution to another without experiencing delays, duplication of courses, or loss of credit.
Assessment-a process through which evidence is gathered in a range of content areas to determine both a student's understanding and ability to apply that understanding.
Benchmark-a broad statement of expected skills and knowledge that is used as a reference to develop curriculum and assess student progress.
Certification-a statement attesting some fact, especially the status and qualifications of the person holding it.
CNA-certified nursing assistant.
Code of Ethics-relating to morality of behavior, conforming with an accepted standard of behavior.
CPR-cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Emergency First Responder-first person on the scene to provide care.
HOSA-health Occupations Students of America.
Licensure-a right formally granted in writing by an authority.
NHCSS-National Health Care Skill Standards.
OBRA-Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987.
OSHA-United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
Performance Activities-actions students could perform to demonstrate achievement of a benchmark.
Registration-the placement of requested data on formal or official record.
SCANS-secretary's commission on Achieving Necessary Skills.
Scope of Practice-extent or range of acceptable practices.
Standard Precautions-practices used in health care facilities to prevent the spread of infection via blood, body fluids, secretions, excretions, mucous membranes, and non-intact skin.
Standards-descriptions of what students should know and be able to do through subject matter, knowledge, and proficiencies gained as a result of their education.
Strand-major category.
Subject Area-domain or content area.
VICA-Vocational Industrial Clubs of America.
La. Admin. Code tit. 28, § LXIX-901