La. Admin. Code tit. 28 § CXXXIII-311

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section CXXXIII-311 - Employee and Student Involvement
A. Establish a hazard prevention committee.
1. A Hazard Prevention Committee should be composed of:
a. representatives of management;
b. school employees; and
c. perhaps students.
2. For such a committee to succeed it should:
a. be selected carefully;
b. have a clear idea of its mission, power, and functions; and
c. be skilled in conducting effective meetings.
3. This committee can do the following:
a. take on many of the functions described below that are too much for any one person;
b. seek immediate input from all areas of the school, such as:
i. the classroom;
ii. maintenance; and
iii. purchasing;
c. brainstorm by creatively combining and modifying ideas from many perspectives;
d. improve communication among the various representatives;
e. prioritize hazard controls, training, and other activities in a way that is satisfactory to all parties;
f. establish a procedure for reporting potential hazards using a written form.
B. Communicate regularly.
1. Use newsletters, bulletin boards, paycheck envelopes, and class time to communicate new procedures and new safety assignments and to introduce new committee members.
2. Keep the program on people's minds. Make safety, health, and the environment a regular item on the agenda of staff, board, union, and PTA meetings.
3. Post committee minutes, reports, surveys, and (especially) memos referring to problems, solutions, and achievements.
C. Develop a hazard-reporting procedure.
1. Students and employees should be encouraged to look for and report potential hazards to the safety and health coordinator, or to the chairperson of the Hazard Prevention Committee.
2. Students may also report hazards to a teacher, the school principal, or to another responsible adult. The person who discovers the hazard should then fill out the designated form and submit it to the safety and health coordinator for follow-up action.
3. Students should fill out this form with the help of the safety and health coordinator.

La. Admin. Code tit. 28, § CXXXIII-311

Promulgated by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, LR 33:47 (January 2007).

AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 17:6(A)(10).

NOTE: Teachers, safety committees, and supervisors should not be discouraged if only small parts of an occupational safety and health environmental safety program are in place early in the program. It takes time, money, and persistence to have a good program. Each new step is a great improvement over the way things were run before the program was in place.