La. Admin. Code tit. 28 § CXLI-327

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section CXLI-327 - Seventh-Eighth Grade Span
A. Focus. Extended standards for grades seven and eight continue to focus on reading, writing, and thinking skills. Students build upon previously learned reading strategies to encounter a wide range of genres. Students' writing becomes more developed. The purposes for writing also increase. Seventh- and eighth-grade students use active listening strategies to follow instructions and carry out procedures or routines, as well as participate in group activities. At this grade span, students increase the amount and type of information they can access in electronic and print sources.
B. Standards
1. Standard One. Students read, comprehend, and respond to a range of materials, using a variety of strategies for different purposes.

Grades 7-8

English Language Arts


Grade Level Expectations

Extended Standards

Complexity Levels

ELA-1-M1: using knowledge of word meaning and developing basic and technical vocabulary using various strategies (e.g., context clues, idioms, affixes, etymology, multiple-meaning words)

1. Develop vocabulary using a variety of strategies, including:

* use of connotative and denotative meanings

* use of Greek, Latin, and Anglo-Saxon base words, roots, affixes, and word parts (ELA-1-M1)

1. Develop vocabulary using a variety of strategies, including:

* use of connotative and denotative meanings

* use of Greek, Latin, and Anglo-Saxon roots and word parts (ELA-1-M1)

ES-1/1: Determine the meaning of base/root words with affixes that indicate inflected verbs and nouns, i.e.:

* re-

* -er

3. Given an inflected verb or noun, determine its meaning from a known root/base word (e.g., reheat from heat; teacher from teach)

2. Identify a second inflected verb or noun with the same affix

1. Identify an inflected verb (paint/repaint) or an inflected noun (paint/painter)

ELA-1-M2: interpreting story elements (e.g., mood, tone, style) and literary devices (e.g., flashback, metaphor, foreshadowing, symbolism) within a selection

2. Explain story elements, including:

* the revelation of character motivation through thoughts, words, and actions

* plot sequence (e.g., exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution)

* conflicts (e.g., man vs. man, nature, society, self) and their effect on plot

* effects of first- and third-person points of view

* theme development (ELA-1-M2)

2. Interpret story elements, including:

* stated and implied themes

* development of character types (e.g., flat, round, dynamic, static)

* effectiveness of plot sequence and/or subplots

* the relationship of conflicts and multiple conflicts (e.g., man vs. man, nature, society, self) to plot

* difference in third-person limited and omniscient points of view

* how a theme is developed (ELA-1-M2)

ES-2/2: Identify story elements, including:

* character

* character trait

* setting

3. Identify changes in the setting within one or more stories

2. Identify one setting in a story

1. Identify the main character and one of his/her character traits

2. Standard Seven. Students apply reasoning and problem-solving skills to reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing, and visually representing.

Grades 7-8

English Language Arts


Grade Level Expectations

Extended Standards

Complexity Levels

ELA-7-M1: using comprehension strategies (e.g., summarizing, recognizing literary devices, paraphrasing) to analyze oral, written, and visual texts

9. Demonstrate understanding of information in grade-appropriate texts using a variety of strategies, including:

* sequencing events and steps in a process

* summarizing and paraphrasing information

* identifying stated or implied main ideas and explaining how details support ideas

* comparing and contrasting literary elements and ideas

* making inferences and drawing conclusions

* predicting the outcome of a story or situation

* identifying literary devices (ELA-7-M1)

9. Demonstrate understanding of information in grade-appropriate texts using a variety of strategies, including:

* sequencing events to examine and evaluate information

* summarizing and paraphrasing to examine and evaluate information

* interpreting stated or implied main ideas

* comparing and contrasting literary elements and ideas within and across texts

* making inferences and drawing conclusions

* predicting the outcome of a story or situation

* identifying literary devices (ELA-7-M1)

ES-9/9: Demonstrate understanding of information in grade appropriate texts, including:

* sequencing events

* summarizing

* identifying main idea

* predicting the outcome

3. Predict the outcome of text

2. Identify the main idea of text

1. Identify the sequence of events in text

ELA-7-M4: using inductive and deductive reasoning skills across oral, written, and visual texts

14. Analyze grade-appropriate print and nonprint texts using various reasoning skills, for example:

* identifying cause-effect relationships

* raising questions

* reasoning inductively and deductively

* generating a theory or hypothesis

* skimming/scanning (ELA-7-M4)

14. Analyze grade-appropriate print and nonprint texts using various reasoning skills, including:

* identifying cause-effect relationships

* raising questions

* reasoning inductively and deductively

* generating a theory or hypothesis

* skimming/scanning

* distinguishing facts from opinions and probability (ELA-7-M4)

ES-14/14: Demonstrate understanding of text by using reasoning skills, including:

* skimming and scanning

* cause and effect

* generating a theory or hypothesis ("If&then" statement)

3. Complete an "If&then" statement from information found within a given text

2. Identify a cause and effect relationship in text

1. Identify a cause or effect in text

3. Standard Two. Students write competently for a variety of purposes and audiences.

Grades 7-8

English Language Arts


Grade Level Expectations

Extended Standards

Complexity Levels

ELA-2-M1: writing multiparagraph compositions (150200 words) that clearly imply a central idea with supporting details in a logical, sequential order

15. Write multiparagraph compositions on student- or teacher-selected topics organized with the following:

* established central idea

* organizational patterns (e.g., comparison/contrast, order of importance, chronological order) appropriate to the topic

* elaboration (e.g., fact, examples, and/or specific details)

* transitional words and phrases that unify ideas and points

* overall structure including an introduction, a body/middle, and a concluding paragraph that summarizes important ideas and details (ELA-2-M1)

15. Write complex, multiparagraph compositions on student- or teacher-selected topics organized with the following:

* a clearly stated focus or central idea

* important ideas or events stated in a selected order

* organizational patterns (e.g., comparison/contrast, order of importance, chronological order) appropriate to the topic

* elaboration (anecdotes, relevant facts, examples, and/or specific details)

* transitional words and phrases that unify ideas and points

* an overall structure (e.g., introduction, body/middle, and concluding paragraph that summarizes important ideas and details) (ELA-2-M1)

ES-15/15: Write a composition that is organized with:

· established central idea

* organizational patterns (e.g., logical, sequential order, order of importance, chronological order) appropriate to the topic

* elaboration (e.g., facts, examples, and or supporting details)

* overall structure, including an introduction, a body/middle, and a conclusion

Note that "write" may include drawing and dictating.

3. Given a topic, write a composition that expresses a central/main idea and is organized with a beginning, body/middle, and conclusion

2. Given a topic, write sentences or phrases that express a main idea and some elaboration

1. Given a topic, write related sentences or phrases that express chronological or sequential order

ELA-2-M6: writing as a response to texts and life experiences (e.g., personal and business letters)

22. Write for various purposes, including:

* letters of complaint supported with complete and accurate information and reasons

* evaluations of media, such as television, radio, and the arts

* text-supported interpretations of elements of grade-appropriate stories, poems, plays, and novels

* applications, such as memberships and library cards (ELA-2-M6)

22. Write for a wide variety of purposes, including:

* persuasive letters that include appropriate wording and tone and that state an opinion

* evaluations of advertisements, political cartoons, and speeches

* text-supported interpretations of elements of grade-appropriate stories, poems, plays, and novels (ELA-2-M6)

ES-22/22: Write for various purposes, including:

* informal letter

* list

* evaluations of media

* text-supported interpretations of stories, poems, plays, and novels

* applications

Note that "write" may include drawing and dictating.

3. Write an application (e.g., for a library card)

2. Write a letter/note to a friend/parent/teacher

1. Write an evaluation of a medium (e.g., television, radio)

4. Standard Four. Students demonstrate competence in speaking and listening as tools for learning and communicating.

Grades 7-8

English Language Arts


Grade Level Expectations

Extended Standards

Complexity Levels

ELA-4-M2: giving and following directions/procedures

30. Follow procedures (e.g., read, question, write a response, form groups) from detailed oral instructions (ELA-4-M2)

30. Follow procedures (e.g., read, question, write a response, form groups) from detailed oral instructions (ELA-4-M2)

ES-30/30: Follow instructions and carry out simple procedures/routines

3. Follow a familiar four-step procedure/routine

2. Follow instructions for an unfamiliar, simple procedure/routine

1. Follow a familiar, simple procedure/ routine (e.g., three-step recipe in Family/ Consumer Science)

ELA-4-M6: participating in a variety of roles in group discussions (e.g., facilitator, recorder)

38. Participate in group and panel discussions, including:

* explaining the effectiveness and dynamics of group process

* applying agreed-upon rules for formal and informal discussions

* assuming a variety of roles (e.g., facilitator, recorder, leader, listener) (ELA-4-M6)

38. Participate in group and panel discussions, including:

* explaining the effectiveness and dynamics of group process

* applying agreed-upon rules for formal and informal discussions

* assuming a variety of roles (e.g., facilitator, recorder, leader, listener) (ELA-4-M6)

ES-38/38: Participate in a group discussion, including:

* applying agreed-upon rules for formal discussions

* assuming a variety of roles (e.g., facilitator, time keeper, leader, listener)

Will not be on the state assessment

3. Act as a leader in a group discussion (e.g., introduce the topic and keep participants on task)

2. Act as a time keeper in a group discussion using a clock to watch the time (e.g., start the clock, stop the clock)

1. Participate in a group discussion (e.g., express opinions and/or concerns about the topic)

5. Standard Five. Students locate, select, and synthesize information from a variety of texts, media, references, and technological sources to acquire and communicate knowledge.

Grades 7-8

English Language Arts


Grade Level Expectations

Extended Standards

Complexity Levels

ELA-5-M6: identifying and interpreting graphic organizers (e.g., flowcharts, timelines, tree diagrams)

46. Interpret information from a variety of graphic organizers including timelines, charts, schedules, tables, diagrams, and maps in grade-appropriate sources (ELA-5-M6)

ES-46/46: Locate and use information, including:

* daily schedule

* calendar

3. Locate given information in a calendar (e.g., holidays, special events, birthdays, weather conditions)

2. Recognize changes in daily schedule

1. Refer to schedule for information about sequence of activities

La. Admin. Code tit. 28, § CXLI-327

Promulgated by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, LR 34:2353 (November 2008).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 17:24.4.