CN-2-B1 | Acquiring information about the Greco-Roman world by reading passages of Latin or Greek with a culturally authentic setting | (1, 2, 3, 4) |
CN-2-B2 | Recognizing plots and themes of Greco-Roman myths in the literature of other cultures | (1, 4) |
CN-2-B3 | Demonstrating a knowledge of the geography of the ancient world and connecting it to the modern world | (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) |
CN-2-D1 | Acquiring information about the Greco-Roman world by reading adapted or selected Latin or Greek sources | (1, 2, 4) |
CN-2-D2 | Connecting their knowledge of ancient history and social and political systems to events and systems in the modern world | (1, 2, 4, 5) |
CN-2-D3 | Connecting their knowledge of the Latin or Greek language to their knowledge of literature and artistic achievement | (1, 2, 4) |
CN-2-E1 | Acquiring information about the Greco-Roman world by reading Latin or Greek literary and non-literary sources | (1, 2, 4) |
CN-2-E2 | Transferring their knowledge of Latin or Greek literature to their understanding of world literature | (1, 2, 3, 4) |
CN-2-E3 | Demonstrating their knowledge of the influence of Greco-Roman mythology, history, social and political systems, and artistic achievements on world culture | (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) |
La. Admin. Code tit. 28, § CVII-905