La. Admin. Code tit. 25 § XI-307

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section XI-307 - Application for Tax Credit or Exemption
A. An applicant for tax credits or exemptions under R.S. 25:1226.4 shall provide the following:
1. name of business-this shall be the complete legal name of the business;
2. parent company, if applicable;
3. physical address:
a. principal place of business;
b. each location where significant operations of the business occur;
4. ownership information-this shall include all owners, either direct or through ownership of stock or partnership shares;
5. parish of residence for all owners listed in §307. A 4;
6. parish in which the principal place of business is located;
7. parish in which any significant operations of the business occur;
8. type of business entity;
9. contact information;
10. tax information:
a. federal tax identification number or social security number for all persons or entities listed in §307. A 4;
b. Louisiana Department of Revenue tax identification number;
c. Louisiana Unemployment Insurance identification number;
11. current employment information:
a. total number of employees:
i. full-time;
ii. part-time;
b. number of employees at each location listed in §307. A 3;
c. list of the names, job titles, and Social Security numbers of all employees;
12. description of business, including the business's use or access to cultural and natural heritage of the Atchafalaya Heritage Area;
13. gaming activities, if any, conducted by the business.
B. For each qualifying employee for which the new employee tax credit is claimed, provide the following:
1. name;
2. residence address;
3. parish of residence;
4. Social Security number;
5. hours worked per week at the business;
6. length of residence at address listed:
a. if length of residence is less than 30 days, provide previous residence address;
b. evidence of residence at listed address(es); examples include:
i. utility bills in employee's name at that address;
ii. voter registration card;
iii. driver's license;
iv. homestead exemption or property tax notice.

La. Admin. Code tit. 25, § XI-307

Promulgated by the Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism, Atchafalaya Trace Commission, LR 29:2010 (October 2003).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 25:1224.