La. Admin. Code tit. 25 § IX-303

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section IX-303 - Park Property and Environment
A. The provisions of the Louisiana Criminal Code (R.S. 14:1 et seq.) shall be enforced on all OSP sites.
B. No person shall intentionally remove, damage, disturb, or destroy any OSP property or the property of another person, without the consent of the owner. "Property" shall include but is not limited to structures, watercraft, movables, signs, markers, natural features, cultural features wildlife, and plants.
C. No person shall cut, destroy, or damage timber on any site, except as necessary to meet established management criteria, including insect control, public safety, and approved park construction. No timber cutting or removal may occur without the written permission of the assistant secretary or his designee.
D. No building, structure, or other feature of any site may be altered, erected, or constructed without written consent of the assistant secretary or his designee.
E. Once a carrying capacity for an OSP site has been reached, or when additional visitors would adversely impact the site, the site manager is authorized to close the site to incoming visitors.
F. Food and beverages are prohibited in structures or areas containing historical furnishings or displays except in designated meeting rooms and assembly locations, or in conjunction with park programs. Smoking is prohibited in all enclosed structures.
G. No person shall excavate, remove, damage, or otherwise alter or deface any cultural or archaeological resource located on any site.
H. The display, possession, and/or use of metal detectors or similar devices is prohibited. It is strictly forbidden to dig for or otherwise remove any historical feature, relic or artifact. Persons wishing to excavate and remove historical features by professional archaeological means for research purposes must request a permit from the Louisiana Archaeological Survey and Antiquities Commission. Applications for such permits must be made through the assistant secretary.
I. No person shall plant material or otherwise introduce plant material on any site without the written approval of the assistant secretary or his designee.
J. Visitors to state historic sites are prohibited from leaving designated historic trails and may not walk on historic earthworks, fortifications, mounds or like features without specific permission of the site manager.

La. Admin. Code tit. 25, § IX-303

Promulgated by the Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism, Office of State Parks, LR 8:634 (December 1982), amended LR 12:89 (February 1986), LR 16:1052 (December 1990), LR 19:308 (March 1993), LR 26:25 (January 2000), LR 27:1673 (October 2001), LR 31:1980 (August 2005), LR 36:1226 (June 2010), Amended LR 43290 (2/1/2017).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 56:1681-1690 and R.S. 36:204.