La. Admin. Code tit. 25 § IX-101
Assistant Secretary-the assistant secretary of the office of state parks is executive head of the office and is appointed by the lieutenant governor with consent of the Senate. This officer is subject to the overall direction and control of the secretary of the Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism (DCRT) while having direct responsibility for the policies of the OSP, and for the administration, control and operation of the functions, programs and affairs of the office.
Classification System-the method of categorizing OSP sites based on purpose, selection, development and management criteria. The categories established by this system are state park, state historic site, and state preservation area. Use of these classification terms, in any official name or public or private lands or holdings is prohibited except when approved by the secretary of DCRT, and when such areas meet the classification criteria as identified in R.S. 56:1684.
Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism(DCRT)-a governmental agency duly created by the Louisiana State Constitution of 1974. This department is responsible for planning, developing and implementing improved opportunities for the enjoyment of cultural and recreational activities by the people of Louisiana and for greater development of their cultural and physical potential. This department is responsible for the development, maintenance and operation of state libraries, parks, recreational facilities, museums and other cultural facilities This department is also responsible for statewide development and implementation of cultural, recreational and tourism programs as well as planning for the future leisure needs of the people.
Office of State Parks(OSP)-the office within the DCRT responsible for planning, designing, constructing, operating, interpreting and maintaining a system of parks, natural areas, historic sites and recreational facilities.
Secretary-the Secretary of the Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism, who serves as the executive head and chief administrative officer of the department and is appointed by the lieutenant governor with consent of the Senate. This officer has responsibility for the policies of the department and for the administration, control and operation of the functions, programs and affairs of the department.
Site-any holding of the OSP including, but not limited to state historic sites, state parks, state preservation areas, and special holdings.
State Historic Site (SHS)-an official designation within the classification system of the OSP. State historic sites are areas with statewide historical, cultural or memorial significance.
State Park(SP)-an official designation within the classification system of the OSP. State parks are natural areas which when evaluated on a statewide basis, possess outstanding scenic and natural qualities, as well as outstanding potential for recreation utilization.
State Preservation Area(SPA)-an official designation within the classification system of the OSP. State preservation areas are unique natural sites preserved for future generations because of their exceptional scenic, ecological and biological values. Natural history education is the purpose of such areas and is accomplished through active interpretive programs, visitor centers, museums and trail systems.
La. Admin. Code tit. 25, § IX-101