Chapter 11 - Quality Jobs Program
- Section I-1101 - General
- Section I-1103 - Definitions
- Section I-1105 - Qualified Employers
- Section I-1107 - Application Fees, Timely Filing
- Section I-1109 - Application Review and Determination
- Section I-1111 - Consultation with the LWC and the LDR
- Section I-1115 - Department Recommendations to Board
- Section I-1117 - The Contract
- Section I-1118 - Project Completion
- Section I-1119 - Payroll Incentive Rebates
- Section I-1120 - Sales and Use Tax Rebate or Project Facility Expense Rebate
- Section I-1121 - Rebate Payments
- Section I-1123 - Rebate Claim Filing
- Section I-1125 - Prohibited Incentives
- Section I-1127 - Penalties
- Section I-1131 - Severability
- Section I-1133 - Applicability of Act 126 of the 2015 Legislative Session to the Quality Jobs Program