Affiliate- a corporation which owns or controls a bank, and any other corporation which is owned or controlled by the corporation which owns or controls the bank, including but not limited to entities defined as affiliates under the provisions of 12 U.S.C.A. § 221a.(b), and 12 U.S.C.A. § 371c.(b), as those provisions from time to time may be amended or revised.
Bank- any state bank and, to the extent applicable, any national bank. When the context so requires, the term bank shall mean an ECB as defined herein.
Commissioner- the Commissioner of the Louisiana Office of Financial Institutions.
Department- the Louisiana Department of Insurance.
Eligible Community- any community the population of which, as determined by the last decennial census, does not exceed 5,000.
Eligible Community Bank(ECB)- any state bank with an office located in an eligible community. As used herein, unless the context indicates otherwise, the term shall include any bank subsidiary, affiliate, or any officer, director or employee of the bank, bank subsidiary, or affiliate.
Insurance- a contract whereby one undertakes to indemnify another or pay a specified amount upon determinable contingencies. The term shall include any kind of insurance recognized under the laws of Louisiana, but shall not include the following:
Insurance Agent- a person appointed in writing by an insurer to submit applications for a policy of insurance or to negotiate a policy of insurance on its behalf. As used herein, the term shall also include insurance brokers, surplus lines insurance brokers, and insurance solicitors.
Insurer- any domestic, foreign, or alien insurer possessing a certificate of authority to transact any fire, life, or other insurance business in Louisiana.
Location or Located- in reference to a state bank means any place in Louisiana in which the state bank maintains an office at which money is lent, or deposits received, or checks paid.
Office of an ECB- the main office, or any branch, loan production office, or other manned physical facility of the bank or of any subsidiary or affiliate thereof.
Person- a natural or juridical person.
Subsidiary- a corporation owned or controlled by a bank, including but not limited to a service corporation governed by the provisions of LAC 10:I.501-509.
La. Admin. Code tit. 10, § III-351