Chapter 15 - Behavioral Health
- Section 907 KAR 15:005 - Definitions for 907 KAR Chapter 15
- Section 907 KAR 15:010 - Coverage provisions and requirements regarding behavioral health services provided by individual approved behavioral health practitioners, behavioral health provider groups, and behavioral health multi-specialty groups
- Section 907 KAR 15:015 - Reimbursement provisions and requirements for behavioral health services provided by individual approved behavioral health practitioners, behavioral health provider groups, or behavioral health multi-specialty groups
- Section 907 KAR 15:020 - Coverage provisions and requirements regarding services provided by behavioral health service organizations for mental health treatment
- Section 907 KAR 15:022 - Coverage provisions and requirements regarding services provided by behavioral health services organizations for substance use disorder treatment and co-occurring disorders
- Section 907 KAR 15:025 - Reimbursement provisions and requirements regarding behavioral health services provided by behavioral health service organizations
- Section 907 KAR 15:040 - Coverage provisions and requirements regarding targeted case management for individuals with a substance use disorder
- Section 907 KAR 15:045 - Reimbursement provisions and requirements for targeted case management services for individuals with a substance use disorder
- Section 907 KAR 15:050 - Coverage provisions and requirements regarding targeted case management for individuals with a mental health or substance use disorder and chronic or complex physical health issues
- Section 907 KAR 15:055 - Reimbursement provisions and requirements regarding targeted case management for individuals with a mental health or substance use disorder and chronic or complex physical health issues
- Section 907 KAR 15:060 - Coverage provisions and requirements regarding targeted case management for individuals with a severe mental illness and children with a severe emotional disability
- Section 907 KAR 15:065 - Reimbursement provisions and requirements regarding targeted case management for individuals with a severe mental illness and children with a severe emotional disability
- Section 907 KAR 15:070 - Coverage provisions and requirements regarding services provided by residential crisis stabilization units
- Section 907 KAR 15:075 - Reimbursement provisions and requirements for behavioral health services provided by residential crisis stabilization units
- Section 907 KAR 15:080 - Coverage provisions and requirements regarding chemical dependency treatment center services
- Section 907 KAR 15:085 - Reimbursement provisions and requirements regarding outpatient chemical dependency treatment center services
- Section 907 KAR 15:090 - [Repealed]
- Section 907 KAR 15:100 - [Repealed]