RELATES TO: KRS Chapter 217B
NECESSITY, FUNCTION, AND CONFORMITY: KRS 217B.050 requires the Department of Agriculture to promulgate administrative regulations to implement the provisions of KRS Chapter 217B. This administrative regulation establishes requirements for the identification of pesticide-related service vehicles.
Section 1. Applicability. This administrative regulation shall apply to pesticide sales agents, dealers, structural pest management companies, licensed operators, licensed applicators, or trainees who use service vehicles in the application of pesticides.Section 2. Identification of Service Vehicles. Each vehicle actively engaged in service work in support of the application of pesticides shall be marked for easy identification with the company name registered with the department or an easily identifiable logo primarily used by the company for identification. (1) Identification of vehicles may be permanent or removable.(2) Removable signs shall accompany the vehicle and be visible at all times for purpose of identification.49 Ky.R. 210, 778; eff. 10/20/2022.STATUTORY AUTHORITY: KRS 217B.565