- Section 301 KAR 2:015 - Feeding of wildlife
- Section 301 KAR 2:030 - Commercial guide license
- Section 301 KAR 2:041 - Shooting areas, dog training areas, commercial foxhound training enclosures, and bobwhite shoot-to-train season
- Section 301 KAR 2:049 - Small game and furbearer hunting and trapping on public areas
- Section 301 KAR 2:050 - Land Between the Lakes hunting requirements
- Section 301 KAR 2:075 - Wildlife rehabilitation permit
- Section 301 KAR 2:081 - Transportation and holding of live native wildlife
- Section 301 KAR 2:082 - Transportation and holding of live exotic wildlife
- Section 301 KAR 2:083 - Holding and intrastate transportation of captive cervids
- Section 301 KAR 2:084 - Importation of game birds
- Section 301 KAR 2:090 - Means by which migratory game birds may be taken
- Section 301 KAR 2:095 - Importation, possession, and transportation of wildlife meat, carcasses, and parts
- Section 301 KAR 2:111 - Deer and turkey hunting on special areas
- Section 301 KAR 2:122 - Seasons, methods, and limits for small game
- Section 301 KAR 2:130 - Beaver bounty
- Section 301 KAR 2:132 - Elk hunting seasons, permits, zones, and requirements
- Section 301 KAR 2:140 - Requirements for wild turkey hunting
- Section 301 KAR 2:142 - Spring wild turkey hunting
- Section 301 KAR 2:144 - Fall wild turkey hunting
- Section 301 KAR 2:172 - Deer hunting seasons, zones, and requirements
- Section 301 KAR 2:176 - Deer control tags, deer destruction permits, and landowner designees
- Section 301 KAR 2:178 - Deer hunting on Wildlife Management Areas, state parks, other public lands, and federally controlled areas
- Section 301 KAR 2:185 - Hunter education
- Section 301 KAR 2:195 - Falconry, raptor take, and raptor propagation
- Section 301 KAR 2:219 - Repeal of 301 KAR 2:224 and 301 KAR 2:226 [Expired]
- Section 301 KAR 2:221 - Waterfowl seasons and limits
- Section 301 KAR 2:222 - Waterfowl hunting requirements on public lands
- Section 301 KAR 2:224 - [Repealed]
- Section 301 KAR 2:225 - Dove, wood duck, teal, and other migratory game bird hunting
- Section 301 KAR 2:226 - [Repealed]
- Section 301 KAR 2:228 - Sandhill crane hunting requirements
- Section 301 KAR 2:230 - Shoot-to-retrieve field trial permits and procedures
- Section 301 KAR 2:245 - Wanton waste and disposal of big game and upland game birds
- Section 301 KAR 2:251 - Hunting and trapping seasons and limits for furbearers
- Section 301 KAR 2:260 - Crow hunting season
- Section 301 KAR 2:300 - Black bear seasons and requirements