Kan. Admin. Regs. § 91-16-21
The form to be used may be substantially as follows to be filled out in triplicate, one (1) for the unified school district, one (1) for the vocational education institution, and one (1) or the student. Copies of the decision of the board of education shall be served on the applicant and the vocational education institution by registered or certified mail with return receipt requested. Such receipt shall serve as proof of such service.
No. 25-10 Execute in Triplicate
Kansas State Education Building
120 East Tenth Street, Topeka, Kansas 66612
Decision of Vocational Education Institution on Application for Admission to State Approved Vocational Education Courses and Program
(Name of applicant) (Street or Route) (City)
__________, having made application
(State) (Zip)
and his affidavit of residency, meeting, not meeting (strike inapplicable portion), the requirements of law and demonstrating his capacity of benefiting therefrom, is hereby admitted to, disapproved for (strike inapplicable portion), the following courses or program, or if disapproved, the reasons therefor:
at (Vocational education institution) beginning _____, ending _____, and
space and facilities have been reserved for him.
The total amount of this state approved tuition for said course or program is $__________.
The undersigned certifies the above statements to be correct.
Dated this _____ day of _____, 19_____.
(Director, vocational education institution)
Decision of Board of Education on Application for
Admission to State Approved Vocational Education
Courses and Program and for Tuition Payment
The application of __________,
(Name of applicant)
(Street or Route),
(City) (State) (Zip)
to attend _____
(Vocational Education Institution)
for the purpose of receiving training in _____
(Courses or program)
is, is not, hereby approved (strike inapplicable portion) by the board of education of Unified School District No. __________
of __________ County, Kansas.
Reasons for disapproval if approval of tuition is denied:
Dated this _____ day of _____, 19_____.
Board of Education of
Unified School District No. _____,
Attested by:__________
County, Kansas
By: _______________ (Specify official position of person signing)
(Notice to Applicant: You are hereby notified that in the event your application for admission to state approved vocational education courses or program and for payment of tuition is denied by the local board of education or vocational education institution, you may, within thirty (30) days from date of receiving the decision of such board or institution, appeal such decision to the Kansas State Board of Education as provided by its rule 91-16-17 (k) and by K.S.A. 1970 Supp. 72-4418(e). Appeal forms may be obtained from the vocational education institution or the Kansas Commissioner of Education, Kansas State Education Building, 120 East 10th Street, Topeka, Kansas 66612.)
Kan. Admin. Regs. § 91-16-21