Kan. Admin. Regs. § 91-1-200
Current through Register Vol. 44, No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section 91-1-200 - Definition of termsEach of the following terms, as used in this article of the department's regulations, shall have the meaning specified in this regulation:
(a) "Accomplished teaching license" means a license issued to an individual who has successfully completed an advanced performance assessment designated by the state board for the purpose of identifying accomplished teaching or who has achieved national board certification.(b) "Accredited experience" means teaching experience gained, under contract, in a school accredited by the state board or a comparable agency in another state while the teacher holds an endorsement valid for the specific assignment. At least 90 consecutive days of substitute teaching in the endorsement area of academic preparation and in the same teaching position shall constitute accredited experience. Other substitute teaching experiences shall not constitute accredited experience.(c) "Alternative teacher education program" means a program to prepare persons to teach by a means other than the traditional, college-based, approved program.(d) "Approved mentoring program" means a program based on state board-approved program guidelines that is established and maintained by an LEA for the purpose of providing educators employed under initial licenses with professional support and continuous assistance from a mentor.(e) "Approved program" means a teacher education program approved by the state board for content and pedagogy.(f) "Content area" means a defined domain of knowledge and skill in an academic program.(g) "Content assessment" means an assessment designated by the state board to measure subject matter knowledge for an endorsement.(h) "Deficiency plan" means a detailed schedule of instruction from an approved program that, if completed, will qualify an individual for full endorsement in a subject. The individual who is to receive the instruction and a representative of the institution at which the instruction is to be given shall sign each deficiency plan.(i) "Early adolescence through late adolescence and adulthood" means grades six through 12.(j) "Early childhood" means any level from birth through grade three.(k) "Early childhood through late adolescence and adulthood" means any level from prekindergarten through grade 12.(l) "Early childhood through late childhood" means any level from prekindergarten through grade six.(m) "Early childhood unified" means an endorsement that provides access to teach in a general education classroom or to provide special education instruction and support services for any level from birth through grade three.(n) "Elementary education unified" means an endorsement that provides access to teach in a general education classroom or to provide special education instruction and support services for early childhood through late childhood.(o) "Emergency substitute teaching license" means a license issued to an individual that allows access to practice as a substitute teacher as defined by K.A.R. 91-31-34(b).(p) "Endorsement" means the legend printed on each license that identifies the subject in which an individual has specialization.(q) "Evidence-centered assessment" means an assessment designated by the state board to measure an individual's knowledge of subject matter and ability to implement the knowledge and skills of a teacher leader.(r) "Initial," when used to describe a license, means the first tier of license provided to an individual who meets all requirements to begin practice and may be issued for school leadership, school specialist, or teaching.(s) "Initial school leadership license" means the first license that an individual holds to begin practice as a school leader while preparing for the professional school leadership license.(t) "Initial school specialist license" means the first license that an individual holds to begin practice as a school specialist while preparing for the professional school specialist license.(u) "Initial teaching license" means the first license that an individual holds to begin teaching while preparing for the professional teaching license.(v) "Interim alternative license" means a license that allows temporary access to practice to an individual who has completed an alternative teacher education program and been issued a license in another state.(w) "Late childhood through early adolescence" means grades five through eight. (x) "Licensure" means the granting of access to practice teaching, administration, or school services in Kansas public schools.(y) "Limited-use teaching license" means a license that allows an individual limited access to practice in an LEA under an arrangement by which the LEA is developing the teacher through a specified approved plan of study.(z) "Local education agency" and "LEA" mean any governmental agency authorized or required by state law to provide education to children, including each unified school district, special education cooperative, school district interlocal, state school, and school institution.(aa) "Mentor" means a teacher, a school specialist, or an administrator who holds a professional teaching license, school specialist license, or leadership license assigned by an LEA to provide support, modeling, and conferencing to a beginning professional.(bb) "Middle-level generalist," when used to describe an endorsement, means an endorsement that allows access to teach mathematics, English language arts, history, government and social studies, and science for late childhood through early adolescence.(cc) "Official transcript" means a student record that includes grades and credit hours earned and that is affixed with the official seal of the college and the signature of the registrar.(dd) "One year of teaching experience" means accredited experience that constitutes one-half time or more in one school year, while under contract.(ee) "Pedagogical assessment" means an assessment designated by the state board to measure teaching knowledge.(ff) "Performance assessment" means an assessment designated by the state board to measure an individual's ability to implement the knowledge and skills of a teacher, administrator, or school services provider.(gg) "Prekindergarten" means a program for children three and four years old.(hh) "Professional," when used to describe a license, means achievement of the second tier of licensure based upon successful completion of a performance assessment while practicing under an initial license and may be awarded for school leadership, school specialist, or teaching.(ii) "Professional occupational license" means the license required to practice in Kansas for the profession of speech language pathologist, audiologist, or licensed master social worker.(jj) "Professional school leadership license" means a school leadership license issued to an individual based on successful completion of a performance assessment and maintained by professional development.(kk) "Professional school specialist license" means a school specialist license issued to an individual based on successful completion of a performance assessment and maintained by professional development.(ll) "Professional teaching license" means a teaching license issued to an individual based on successful completion of a performance assessment and maintained by professional development.(mm) "Provisional school specialist endorsement license" means a license issued to an individual that allows access to practice as a school specialist while the individual is in the process of completing requirements for the school specialist license.(nn) "Provisional teaching endorsement license" means a license issued to an individual that allows access to practice in an endorsement area while the individual is in the process of completing requirements for that endorsement.(oo) "Recent credit" means valid credit earned during the six-year period immediately preceding the filing of an application.(pp) "Recent experience" means accredited experience earned during the six-year period immediately preceding the filing of an application.(qq) "Restricted school specialist license" means a license that allows an individual limited access to practice as a library media specialist or a school counselor under a special arrangement among the individual, a Kansas teacher education institution, and an LEA.(rr) "Restricted teaching license" means a license that allows an individual limited access to practice under a special arrangement among the individual, a Kansas teacher education institution, and an LEA.(ss) "School leadership license" means a license that allows an individual to hold a position with the primary responsibility for supervision or management of a local education agency, a school system, a school building, or school programs .(tt) "School specialist" means a person other than a teacher or school leader who is required to hold an educator license to provide specialized professional support services to students or teachers.(uu) "School specialist program" means an approved program provided by teacher education institutions to prepare individuals for licensure as a school specialist.(vv) "Secondary education unified" means an endorsement that provides access to teach academic subjects for which the content assessment has been passed and to provide special education support services for early adolescence through late adolescence and adulthood.(ww) "Standard," when used to describe a license, means that the license is unrestricted, nonprobation-ary, nonprovisional, nonsubstitute, nonlimited-use, or nontemporary; is issued by the state board or a comparable agency in another state; and allows an individual to work as a teacher, administrator, or school specialist in accredited school systems in Kansas or another state.(xx) "Standards board" means the teaching and school administration professional standards advisory board.(yy) "State board" means Kansas state board of education.(zz) "STEM license" means a license that allows an individual to teach only life science, physical science, earth and space science, mathematics, engineering, computer technology, finance, or accounting subjects in a hiring LEA, as specified in K.A.R. 91-1-203(m).(aaa) "Subject" means a specific teaching area within a general instructional field.(bbb) "Substitute teaching license" means a license issued to an individual that allows access to practice as a substitute as defined in K.A.R. 91-31-34(b).(ccc) "Teacher education institution" means a college or university that has an accredited administrative unit for the purpose of preparing teachers.(ddd) "Transitional license" means a license that allows an individual to temporarily practice if the individual held a license but does not meet recent credit, recent experience, or the renewal requirements to qualify for an initial teaching license or a professional teaching license, an initial school specialist license or a professional school specialist license, or an initial school leadership license or a professional school leadership license.(eee) "Valid credit" and "credit" mean a semester hour of credit earned in, or validated by, a college or university that is on the accredited list maintained by the state board.(fff) "Visiting international teaching license" means a license issued to an individual participating in the visiting international teacher program, allowing the individual to be employed by a local education agency and be assigned to teach that individual's native language or the content area of that individual's teacher preparation.(ggg) "Visiting scholar teaching license" means a license that allows an individual who has documentation verifying the individual's qualifications for the license as described on the application to practice on a temporary, limited basis.Kan. Admin. Regs. § 91-1-200
Authorized by and implementing Article 6, Section 2(a) of the Kansas Constitution; effective July 1, 2003; amended July 1, 2003; amended July 18, 2008; amended Aug. 28, 2009; amended Aug. 12, 2011; amended, T-91-6-30-14, June 30, 2014; amended Oct. 24, 2014; amended by Kansas Register Volume 42, No. 09; effective 3/17/2023.