Kan. Admin. Regs. § 60-2-102
Current through Register Vol. 44, No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section 60-2-102 - Reapproval requirements(a) Based on the annual report, each nursing program shall be reviewed for approval annually by the board and pay the annual fee to the board specified in K.A.R. 60-4-103.(b) Each approval of a nursing program shall be valid for not more than 10 years. If the nursing program is accredited by a national nursing accreditation agency, the next survey visit may be made in coordination with a national nursing accreditation agency visit. Each nursing program without national nursing accreditation shall have a survey visit every five years.(c) An unannounced survey may be conducted at any time other than a scheduled survey visit if the board determines that there is evidence reflecting any deficiency in meeting the requirements or the board is determining whether or not any deficiency has been corrected by a nursing program on conditional approval.(d) Each deficiency sufficient to warrant action by the board shall include the deficiencies specified in subsections (e) through (h). Failure to correct any deficiency within the prescribed period may result in the board's placement of the nursing program on conditional approval or may result in loss of approval.(e)(1) If the first-time candidates in a nursing program have an annual pass rate on the licensure examination of less than 80 percent for one year, the nursing program shall receive a written notice of concern from the board.(2) The nursing program shall have three months after the date of the written notice of concern to submit a written report analyzing all aspects of the nursing program, identifying areas contributing to the pass rate and the nursing program's plan of action to improve the pass rate. The nursing program shall have one year after the date of the written notice to demonstrate evidence of implementing strategies to correct any deficiency to bring the pass rate up to at least the 80 percent criterion.(3) If the nursing program has an annual pass rate of less than 80 percent for two consecutive years, the nursing program may receive a survey for evaluation and recommendation and be placed on conditional approval. The nursing program administrator shall appear before the board and present an analysis of the measures taken and an analysis of the reasons for the nursing program's pass rate below 80 percent.(4) If the nursing program has an annual pass rate of less than 80 percent for three consecutive years for firsttime candidates, the nursing program may be directed by the board to cease admissions.(f) A nursing program that is accredited by a national nursing accrediting agency and is subsequently placed on warning or whose accreditation by the national nursing accreditation agency is withdrawn shall be scheduled immediately for a survey visit.(g) Failure to meet the requirements of the education statutes and regulations shall result in action by the board.(h) Each complaint involving education statutes and regulations reported to board members or staff shall initiate an investigation by the board and may require a survey visit, depending on the seriousness and number of complaints.(i) The nursing program administrator shall make the following information available during each survey visit: (1) Data about the nursing program, including the following:(A) The number of students;(B) the legal body responsible for policy and support of the nursing program;(C) the organizational chart;(D) an audited fiscal report covering the previous two years, including a statement of income and expenditures;(2) the nursing program administrator's responsibilities;(3) for each faculty member and preceptor, the following information:(D) faculty organization by-laws;(E) number of full-time and part-time faculty and non-nursing faculty with academic credentials and assignments; and(F) faculty-student clinical ratio;(4) degree plan, if applicable;(5) a copy of the current curriculum with the date of last revision;(6) the testing process with test analysis and the written test procedure;(7) a description of education facilities, including classrooms, offices, library, and computers;(8) a list of clinical facilities;(9) the number of students by classes; and(10) the policies for students as listed in K.A.R. 60-2107.(j) During each survey visit, the nursing program administrator shall make available the following: (1) The educational institution's administration, faculty, support services personnel, and students;(2) staff members of selected affiliating agencies;(3) faculty minutes for at least the three previous years;(4) faculty and student handbooks;(6) policies and procedures;(7) curriculum materials;(8) a copy of the nursing program's audited fiscal report covering the previous two years, including income and expenditures;(9) contractual agreements;(10) program evaluation plan and evidence of nursing program effectiveness, which shall address compliance with the nurse practice act and board regulations; and(11) the school's current catalog.(k) The nursing program administrator or designated personnel shall take the survey visit team to the nursing educational facilities, including satellite program facilities, library facilities, and clinical agencies.(l) Upon completion of the survey visit, the nursing program administrator shall be given a copy of the survey report and asked to correct any inaccurate statements contained in the survey report, limiting comments to errors, unclear statements, and omissions.(m) If a nursing program fails to meet the requirements for approval within the designated period of time, the nursing program shall be provided notice stating the deficiencies and the opportunity for a hearing if requested within 60 days from the date of service of the notice. If no hearing is requested timely, the nursing program shall be removed from the list of approved schools.(n) The parent institution shall be responsible for securing and providing for the permanent custody and storage of records of all students and graduates. This regulation shall be effective on and after January 1, 2022
Kan. Admin. Regs. § 60-2-102
Authorized by K.S.A. 65-1129; implementing K.S.A. 65-1119; effective April 4, 1997; amended Jan. 24, 2003; amended Nov. 7, 2008; amended by Kansas Register Volume 40, No. 50; effective 1/1/2022.