Kan. Admin. Regs. § 44-13-201b
Current through Register Vol. 44, No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section 44-13-201b - Summary judgment procedure(a) In any case involving one or more alleged class II or class III offenses, the reporting officer may offer the inmate the option of resolving the matter through the summary judgment procedure as an alternative to writing a disciplinary report that leads to initiation of the formal disciplinary hearing process. (b) Officers shall carry with them or have immediate access to summary judgment citation forms. (c) If an officer observes an inmate in the act of committing one or more offenses designated as eligible for summary judgment procedures that the officer believes require more than an undocumented, on-the-spot verbal reprimand, the officer may file a formal disciplinary report against the inmate or offer the inmate summary judgment by issuing a summary judgment citation. If summary judgment is offered to the inmate by the officer, the offer shall not be withdrawn without the commission of additional alleged disciplinary offenses by the inmate. (1) The summary judgment citation shall be written, verified pursuant to K.S.A. 53-601 and amendments thereto, and served on the inmate by the reporting officer within 24 hours of the alleged incident, or within 48 hours if directed by the shift supervisor or unit team manager under paragraph (c)(3)(B), and shall include the following: (A) The date and time of each alleged offense; (B) the date and time the citation is written; (C) the name and rule number of each alleged offense; (D) a statement of the facts of the alleged incident, including names of witnesses; (E) the date and time that the citation is served on the inmate; (F) the summary judgment sanction; and (G) the signature of the inmate indicating acceptance or refusal of the summary judgment. (2) The officer may impose only one of the following summary judgment sanctions regardless of the number of offenses cited: (A) Restriction from privileges for not more than 10 days; (B) a fine not to exceed $10.00; (C) extra work without incentive pay for not more than two hours each day, not to exceed five days; (D) work without incentive pay not to exceed five days, which shall apply only to ordinary inmate work assignments; or (E) restitution of not less than $3.00 and not more than $10.00. (3) The inmate may choose whether to accept the summary judgment or to reject it in favor of the formal disciplinary hearing process. This decision shall be made within one hour of the inmate's receipt of the citation, or it shall be assumed that the inmate refused the summary judgment. The officer may choose to impose a different summary judgment sanction after discussion of the incident with the inmate, and this fact shall be documented on the summary judgment citation if the inmate then accepts the summary judgment. (A) If the inmate accepts the summary judgment offered, this acceptance shall constitute a waiver of the inmate's right to the benefits of the formal disciplinary hearing process. The waiver of rights established according to K.A.R. 44-13-101a shall be executed by the inmate. Upon the inmate's acceptance of the summary judgment, the sanction shall be immediately imposed, and the shift supervisor or unit team manager shall be notified. (B) If the inmate refuses the summary judgment offered, the inmate shall receive the applicable hearing process. The summary judgment citation shall be marked and signed by the officer and the inmate to indicate the inmate's refusal. The citation may then be used in lieu of the more formal disciplinary report to initiate the formal disciplinary hearing process. The citation shall then be submitted to the shift supervisor or unit team manager for review and appropriate disposition, including any amendments that the reviewer may direct, pursuant to K.A.R. 44-13-201(c)(3) and (4). The citation shall subsequently be served upon the inmate in the manner and using procedures that apply to ordinary disciplinary reports. (C) If an inmate refuses the summary judgment offered, the inmate shall not be charged with a more serious offense or combination of offenses than was alleged in the summary judgment citation. (D) All evidence shall be confiscated or seized in connection with the issuance of a summary judgment citation, and shall be disposed of in accordance with K.A.R. 44-5-111. (4) All summary judgment citations accepted by the inmate shall be documented in the inmate's file. Kan. Admin. Regs. § 44-13-201b
Authorized by and implementing K.S.A. 2006 Supp. 75-5210, K.S.A. 75-5251; effective April 20, 1992; amended July 11, 1994; amended Feb. 15, 2002; amended, T-44-3-11-03, March 11, 2003; amended July 25, 2003; amended July 13, 2007.