- Section 44-12-101 - Inmate clothing
- Section 44-12-102 - Personal cleanliness
- Section 44-12-103 - Tattoos, body piercing, and body markings
- Section 44-12-104 - Care of living quarters
- Section 44-12-105 - Unsanitary practices
- Section 44-12-106 - Hair standards and appearance
- Section 44-12-107 - Use of safety devices
- Section 44-12-108 through 44-12-200 - Reserved
- Section 44-12-201 - Registration and use of personal property
- Section 44-12-202 - Radios, televisions, musical instruments, and other sound equipment
- Section 44-12-203 - Theft
- Section 44-12-204 - Taking without permission
- Section 44-12-205 - Unauthorized dealing and trading
- Section 44-12-206 - Debt adjustment or collection prohibited
- Section 44-12-207 - Gambling and bookmaking
- Section 44-12-208 - Misuse of state property
- Section 44-12-209 - Entering into contracts, incurring financial obligations
- Section 44-12-210 - Accounts
- Section 44-12-211 - Telephones or other communication devices
- Section 44-12-212 - Accessing unauthorized computer-based information; unauthorized computer communications
- Section 44-12-211 through 44-12-300 - Reserved
- Section 44-12-301 - Fighting
- Section 44-12-302 - Noise
- Section 44-12-303 - Lying
- Section 44-12-304 - Disobeying orders
- Section 44-12-305 - Insubordination or disrespect to officers or other employees
- Section 44-12-306 - Threatening or intimidating any person
- Section 44-12-307 - Avoiding an officer
- Section 44-12-308 - Improper use of prepared or served food
- Section 44-12-309 - Kitchen utensils and shop tools
- Section 44-12-310 - Misconduct in dining room
- Section 44-12-311 - Being in a condition of drunkenness, intoxication, state of altered consciousness
- Section 44-12-312 - Use of stimulants, sedatives, unauthorized drugs, or narcotics, or the misuse or hoarding of authorized or prescribed medication
- Section 44-12-313 - Sexually explicit materials
- Section 44-12-314 - Sexual activity; aggravated sexual activity; sodomy; aggravated sodomy
- Section 44-12-315 - Lewd acts
- Section 44-12-316 - Revoked
- Section 44-12-317 - Falsifying documents
- Section 44-12-318 - Disruptive behavior
- Section 44-12-319 - Riot or incitement to riot
- Section 44-12-320 - This revocation shall be effective on and after February 15, 2002
- Section 44-12-320a - Interfering with official duties
- Section 44-12-321 - Conduct regarding visitors or the public
- Section 44-12-322 - Arson
- Section 44-12-323 - Assault
- Section 44-12-324 - Battery
- Section 44-12-325 - Security threat groups; inmate activity; limitations
- Section 44-12-326 - This revocation shall be effective on and after February 15, 2002
- Section 44-12-327 - Interference with restraints
- Section 44-12-328 - Undue familiarity
- Section 44-12-329 through 44-12-400 - Reserved
- Section 44-12-401 - Work performance
- Section 44-12-402 through 44-12-500 - Reserved
- Section 44-12-501 - Answering calls or passes
- Section 44-12-502 - Responsibility for counts
- Section 44-12-503 - Restricted area and unauthorized presence or out-of-place in assigned domicile
- Section 44-12-504 - Interference with cell operation and visibility
- Section 44-12-505 - Restriction
- Section 44-12-505b - Medical restriction
- Section 44-12-506 - Change of name as it appears on journal entry of sentence, convictions
- Section 44-12-507 through 44-12-600 - Reserved
- Section 44-12-601 - Mail
- Section 44-12-602 - Posting notices
- Section 44-12-603 through 44-12-700 - Reserved
- Section 44-12-701 - Revoked
- Section 44-12-702 - Legal assistance by inmates
- Section 44-12-703 through 44-12-800 - Reserved
- Section 44-12-801 - Bulletin boards
- Section 44-12-802 through 44-12-900 - Reserved
- Section 44-12-901 - Dangerous contraband
- Section 44-12-902 - Contraband
- Section 44-12-903 - Tobacco contraband
- Section 44-12-904 through 44-12-1000 - Reserved
- Section 44-12-1001 - Violation of statutes, other regulations, or orders
- Section 44-12-1002 - Violation of published internal management policies and procedures or of published orders
- Section 44-12-1003 through 44-12-1100 - Reserved
- Section 44-12-1101 - Attempt, conspiracy, accessory, solicitation; liability for offenses of another
- Section 44-12-1102 through 44-12-1200 - Reserved
- Section 44-12-1201 - Increased penalty for involving or victimizing an inmate under 18
- Section 44-12-1202 - Conviction of four offenses in six months
- Section 44-12-1203 through 44-12-1300 - Reserved
- Section 44-12-1301 - Class I offenses
- Section 44-12-1302 - Class II offenses
- Section 44-12-1303 - Class III offenses
- Section 44-12-1304 - Revoked
- Section 44-12-1305 - Use of fines
- Section 44-12-1306 - Use of restitution
- Section 44-12-1307 - Fines and restitution, imposition and collection; limits
- Section 44-12-1308 - Disciplinary segregation; limits