Current through Register Vol. 44, No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section 4-21-3 - Soil samples(a)(1) The soil nutrient values may be determined either by analysis of a single composite of representative samples from a field or from the mathematical average of all the results from grid samples. Grid soil sampling is defined as a systematic method of sampling that separates the field into identified subunits with each subunit sampled separately. Each composite sample shall be representative, at the time it is taken, of the soils and of the nutrient values in the field from which the sample is taken. (2) Each field where waste is to be applied shall be sampled before the application unless the field has been sampled in the preceding 12 months, but sampling shall not be required more frequently than annually unless required by the department due to elevated nutrient levels. The sampling shall consist of a representative number of soil cores from each field and shall be collected by either of the following methods: (A) Two composite samples shall be collected from each field by separating the top six inches of each core collected from the bottom of the core sample. If multiple cores are taken, all samples from the top six inches of soil shall be mixed together. This composite sample shall be tested for phosphorous, zinc, copper, nitrate-N, and chloride. The bottom segment of each soil core sample from six through 24 inches shall then be mixed together, and this composite sample shall be tested for nitrate-N and chloride. (B) Two composite samples shall be collected by obtaining individual core samples. A composite sample to be tested for phosphorous, copper, and zinc shall be collected from the top six inches of the soil and mixed if multiple cores are collected. The second composite sample shall be tested for nitrate-N and chloride, and shall be collected by taking a core sample from the soil surface to a soil depth of 24 inches. If multiple cores are taken, the samples shall be mixed before testing. (b) The owner or operator of each swine facility shall sample the soil within 60 days following any application of waste if the application is the result of an emergency waste disposal. Each individual who collects any soil sample to comply with these regulations shall certify the location and number of representative cores collected from the field. (c) A copy of the certification of each field and the laboratory analysis of composite or grid soil sample shall be maintained in the office of the swine facility and made available to the secretary of agriculture or designee upon request. The certification required by this regulation shall be submitted on a form prescribed by the secretary. (d) Samples shall be taken by the secretary of agriculture or designee if, at that individual's discretion, an inspection requires a sample. Each composite soil sample taken by the secretary of agriculture or designee shall be taken in the manner required by this regulation and by K.A.R. 4-21-4. A composite soil sample taken by the secretary of agriculture or designee shall be presumed to be representative of the field. Whether a sample is representative shall be within the sole discretion of the secretary of agriculture, and the secretary's determination of whether a sample is representative shall be final.
Kan. Admin. Regs. § 4-21-3
Authorized by K.S.A. 2-3305 and K.S.A. 2-3309; implementing K.S.A. 2-3318, as amended by L. 2002, ch. 181, sec. 14 and K.S.A. 2001 Supp. 65-1,182; effective, T-4-12-29-98, Jan. 1, 1999; effective April 23, 1999; amended April 4, 2003.