Kan. Admin. Regs. § 30-63-12

Current through Register Vol. 43, No. 40, October 3, 2024
Section 30-63-12 - Licensing procedure; requirements; duration of license
(a) Each provider required to be licensed pursuant to this article shall submit an application for an appropriate license to the commissioner, on a form provided by the commission.
(b) For a full license, each applicant shall provide the following:
(1) Certification that the applicant's chief director of services, regardless of title, is qualified to develop and modify, if appropriate, a program of individualized services to be provided to persons as defined in K.A.R. 30-63- 1, as evidenced by that individual's having either of the following:
(A) A bachelor's or higher degree in a field of human services awarded by an accredited college or university; or
(B) work experience in the area of human services at the rate of 1,040 hours of paid work experience substituted for a semester of higher education, which shall mean 15 undergraduate credit hours,with at least eight full-time semester's worth of either satisfactorily passed education or work experience;
(2) certification that the applicant's chief director of services, regardless of title, is qualified to supervise the delivery of a program of services to persons, as evidenced by that individual's having one of the following:
(A) At least one year of experience in a senior management-level position with a licensed provider;
(B) at least two years of experience as either a case manager or a services manager with supervisory authority over at least two other individuals providing direct services to persons; or
(C) at least five years of experience delivering direct care services to persons;
(3) three letters of reference concerning the applicant's chief director of services, regardless of title. Each letter written shall be by an individual knowledgeable both of the applicant and of the delivery of services to persons;
(4) evidence of completion of a background check meeting the requirements of the "SRS/CSS policy regarding background checks," dated September 8, 2009 and hereby adopted by reference, done on the applicant's chief director of services, regardless of title;
(5) a set of written policies and procedures specifying how the applicant intends to comply with the requirements of this article;
(6) a written business plan that shows how the applicant intends to market its services, to accommodate growth or retrenchment in the size of its operations without jeopardizing consumer health or safety issues, to respond to other risk factors as could be foreseeable in the specific case of that applicant, and to keep the operation fiscally solvent during the next three years, unless the application is for a renewal of a succession of licenses that the applicant has had for at least three years. In this case, the viability of the applicant's operation shall be presumed, unless the commissioner determines that there is reason to question the viability of the licensed provider applying for license renewal and requires the submission of a written business plan despite how long the renewal applicant has been previously licensed; and
(7) if required of the applicant by the United States department of labor, a subminimum wage and hour certificate.
(c) For a limited license, each applicant shall provide the following:
(1) A description of the preexisting relationship with the one or two persons proposed to be provided services;
(2) documentation that the individual who will be chiefly responsible for providing services is qualified to do so, as evidenced by that individual's having either of the following:
(i) At least one year of work experience in providing services to a person; and
(ii) completion of the curriculum of studies designated by the commission and accessed through the commission's web site; or
(B) the qualifications specified in paragraph (b)(1);
(3) evidence of completion of a background check meeting the requirements of the background check policy adopted by reference in paragraph (b)(4), done on the individual who will be chiefly responsible for the operations of the applicant;
(4) a written plan that shows how the applicant intends to comply with the requirements of this article applicable to the specific circumstances of the one or two persons to whom those services are proposed to be provided; and
(5) a written business plan that shows how the applicant intends to keep the applicant's proposed provider operation fiscally solvent during the next three years, except as specified in this paragraph. If the application is for a renewal of a succession of licenses that the applicant has had for at least three years, the viability of the applicant's operation shall be presumed, unless the commissioner determines that there is reason to question the viability of the licensed provider applying for license renewal and requires the submission of a written business plan, regardless how long the applicant has been previously licensed.
(d) Upon receipt of an application, the commission shall determine whether the applicant is in compliance with the requirements of subsection (b) or (c) and with this article.
(e) The applicant shall be notified in writing if the commission finds that the applicant is not in compliance with the requirements of subsection (b) or (c) or with this article.
(f) A temporary license or a temporary license with requirements may be issued by the secretary to allow an applicant to begin the operations of a new provider. A license with requirements may be issued by the secretary to allow a provider seeking renewal of a previously issued license to continue operations. A license with requirements shall be designated as contingent upon the provider's developing, submitting to the commission, and implementing an acceptable plan of corrective action intended to bring the provider into continuing compliance with the requirements of this article.
(1) Findings made by the commission with regard to the implementation of a plan of corrective action shall be given to the provider in writing.
(2) Failure of a provider to be in compliance with the requirements of this article or to implement an acceptable plan of corrective action may be grounds for denial of a license whether or not a temporary license or a license with requirements has been issued.
(g) Based upon findings made by the commission regarding compliance with or the implementation of an acceptable plan of corrective action, the commissioner shall determine whether to recommend issuance or denial of the full or limited license applied for. The applicant shall be notified in writing of any decision to recommend denial of an application for a license. The notice shall clearly state the reasons for a denial. The applicant may appeal this denial to the administrative appeals section pursuant to article seven of these regulations.
(1) A full or limited license issued pursuant to this article shall remain in effect for not more than two years from the date of issuance. The exact date on which the license expires shall be stated upon the license. However, the license shall earlier expire under any of the following circumstances:
(A) The license is revoked for cause.
(B) The license is voided.
(C) For a temporary license or a license with requirements, the license is superseded by the issuance of a full or a limited license as applied for.
(D) The license is voluntarily surrendered by the provider.
(2) Each license term shall be determined by the commissioner based upon the commission's findings regarding the history and strength of the applicant's provider operations, including evidence of the provider's having earned certification from a nationally recognized agency or organization that specializes in certifying providers of services.
(i) Each license with requirements shall specify the length of time for which the license is valid, which shall not exceed one year. Successive licenses with requirements may be issued by the secretary, but successive licenses with requirements shall not be issued for more than two years.
(j) Each temporary license shall be valid for six months. If, at the expiration of that six months, the licensee has not yet commenced providing services to any person but the licensee wishes to continue efforts to market the licensee's services, a successive temporary license may be issued for another six-month period. No further extensions of a temporary license shall be granted.
(k) A license previously issued shall be voided for any of the following reasons:
(1) Issuance by mistake;
(2) a substantial change of control or ownership, as provided for in K.A.R. 30-63-10(b); or
(3) for a limited license, the licensee's cessation of provision of services to the person or persons for whom the license was specifically sought and obtained.
(l) In order to renew a license, the licensee shall reapply for a license in accordance with this regulation.
(m) If a provider is licensed pursuant to this article on or before the effective date of the amendments to this regulation, the requirements specified in either paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) or paragraph (c)(2) shall not apply to any renewal request of that licensee made during the one-year period following the effective date of these amendments.

Kan. Admin. Regs. § 30-63-12

Authorized by K.S.A. 39-1810 and K.S.A. 75-3304; implementing K.S.A. 39-1806 and K.S.A. 2008 Supp. 75-3307b; effective July 1, 1996; amended Jan. 15, 2010.