Current through Register Vol. 44, No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section 26-42-101 - Administration(a) Administrator and operator responsibilities. The administrator or operator of each home plus ("home") shall ensure that the home is operated in a manner so that each resident receives care and services in accordance with each resident's functional capacity screening and negotiated service agreement.(b) Administrator and operator criteria. Each licensee shall appoint an administrator or operator who meets the following criteria:(1) Is at least 21 years of age;(2) possesses a high school diploma or the equivalent;(3) holds a Kansas license as an adult care home administrator or has successfully completed an operator training course and passed the test approved by the secretary of Kansas department of heath and environment pursuant to K.S.A. 39-923 and amendments thereto; and(4) has authority and responsibility for the operation of the home and compliance with licensing requirements.(c) Administrator and operator position description. Each licensee shall adopt a written position description for the administrator or operator that includes responsibilities for the following:(1) Planning, organizing, and directing the home;(2) implementing operational policies and procedures for the home; and(3) authorizing, in writing, a responsible employee who is 18 years old or older to act on the administrator's or operator's behalf in the absence of the administrator or operator.(d) Resident rights. Each administrator or operator shall ensure the development and implementation of written policies and procedures that incorporate the principles of individuality, autonomy, dignity, choice, privacy, and a home environment for each resident. The following provisions shall be included in the policies and procedures:(1) The recognition of each resident's rights, responsibilities, needs, and preferences;(2) the freedom of each resident or the resident's legal representative to select or refuse a service and to accept responsibility for the consequences;(3) the development and maintenance of social ties for each resident by providing opportunities for meaningful interaction and involvement within the home and the community;(4) furnishing and decorating each resident's personal space;(5) the recognition of each resident's personal space as private and the sharing of a bedroom only when agreed to by the resident;(6) the maintenance of each resident's lifestyle if there are not adverse effects on the rights and safety of other residents; and(7) the resolution of grievances through a specific process that includes a written response to each written grievance within 30 days.(e) Resident liability. Each resident shall be liable only for the charges disclosed to the resident or the resident's legal representative and documented in a signed agreement at admission and in accordance with K.A.R. 26-39-103. (1) A resident who is involuntarily discharged, including discharge due to death, shall not be responsible for the following:(A) Fees for room and board beyond the date established in the signed contractual agreement or the date of actual discharge if an appropriate discharge notice has been given to the resident or the resident's legal representative in accordance with K.A.R. 26-39-102; and(B) fees for any services specified in the negotiated services agreement after the date the resident has vacated the facility and no longer receives these services.(2) A resident who is voluntarily discharged shall not be responsible for the following: (A) Fees for room and board accrued beyond the end of the 30-day period following the home's receipt of a written notice of voluntary discharge submitted by the resident or resident's legal representative or the date of actual discharge if this date extends beyond the 30-day period; and(B) fees for any services specified in the negotiated service agreement after the date the resident has vacated the home and no longer receives these services.(f) Staff treatment of residents. Each administrator or operator shall ensure the development and implementation of written policies and procedures that prohibit the abuse, neglect, and exploitation of residents by staff. The administrator or operator shall ensure that all of the following requirements are met: (1) No resident shall be subjected to any of the following:(A) Verbal, mental, sexual, or physical abuse, including corporal punishment and involuntary seclusion;(2) The home shall not employ any individual who has been identified on a state nurse aide registry as having abused, neglected, or exploited any resident in an adult care home.(3) Each allegation of abuse, neglect, or exploitation shall be reported to the administrator or operator of the home as soon as staff is aware of the allegation and to the department within 24 hours. The administrator or operator shall ensure that all of the following requirements are met:(A) An investigation shall be started when the administrator or operator, or the designee, receives notification of an alleged violation.(B) Immediate measures shall be taken to prevent further potential abuse, neglect, or exploitation while the investigation is in progress.(C) Each alleged violation shall be thoroughly investigated within five working days of the initial report. Results of the investigation shall be reported to the administrator or operator.(D) Appropriate corrective action shall be taken if the alleged violation is verified.(E) The department's complaint investigation report shall be completed and submitted to the department within five working days of the initial report.(F) A written record shall be maintained of each investigation of reported abuse, neglect, or exploitation.(g) Availability of policies and procedures. Each administrator or operator shall ensure that policies and procedures related to resident services are available to staff at all times and are available to each resident, legal representatives of residents, case managers, and families during normal business hours. A notice of availability shall be posted in a place readily accessible to residents.(h) Power of attorney, guardianship, and conservator-ship. Authority as a power of attorney, durable power of attorney for health care decisions, guardian, or conservator shall not be exercised by anyone employed by or having a financial interest in the home, unless the person is related to the resident within the second degree.(i) Reports. Each administrator or operator shall ensure the accurate completion and electronic submission of annual and semiannual statistical reports regarding residents, employees, and home occupancy to the department no later than 20 days following the last day of the period being reported. The administrator or operator shall ensure the submission of any other reports required by the department.(j) Emergency telephone. Each administrator or operator shall ensure that the residents and employees have access to a telephone for emergency use at no cost. Each administrator or operator shall ensure that the names and telephone numbers of persons or places commonly required in emergencies are posted adjacent to this telephone.(k) Ombudsman. Each administrator or operator shall ensure the posting of the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the Kansas department on aging and the office of the long-term care ombudsman with information that these agencies can be contacted to report actual or potential abuse, neglect, or exploitation of residents or to register complaints concerning the operation of the home. The administrator or operator shall ensure that this information is posted in a common area accessible to all residents and the public.(l) Survey report and plan of correction. Each administrator or operator shall ensure that a copy of the most recent survey report and plan of correction is available in a common area to residents and any other individuals wishing to examine survey results.Kan. Admin. Regs. § 26-42-101
Authorized by and implementing K.S.A. 39-932; effective May 29, 2009.