This provision applies only to a period beginning on or after the date when the person assumes the position of representative. In the event that a representative is deemed to have resigned under this provision, the chairperson shall immediately notify the representative's organization and require the appointment of a different representative within 30 days.
If a representative is unable to attend a meeting, an alternate designated by the membership organization may attend the meeting. Attendance by an alternate shall not relieve the regular representative of the responsibility of attendance at regularly scheduled meetings.
If the organization does not timely appoint a new representative, or its newly appointed representative does not attend the next regularly scheduled BAC meeting, the organization shall be deemed to have relinquished its seat on the BAC.
When a membership organization has relinquished its seat on the BAC for nonparticipation, the subcommittee on membership shall, as soon as practicable, meet to consider a replacement organization. If a seat relinquished for nonparticipation was not filled and the subcommittee on membership determines that the composition of the BAC would continue to satisfy subrule 3.2(1), the subcommittee on membership may recommend any type of qualified interested organization as a replacement, or it may recommend leaving the seat open. However, if the subcommittee determines that the composition of the BAC would not satisfy subrule 3.2(1) if a seat relinquished for nonparticipation was not filled, the subcommittee must recommend a replacement, and the replacement must be one that permits the BAC to meet the requirements of subrule 3.2(1).
Any qualified, interested organization may file a petition for consideration as a replacement membership organization. The subcommittee shall review all such petitions, if any, which have been filed after the most recent formal review under this rule. The subcommittee may also solicit petitions for BAC membership from any qualified interested organization.
The subcommittee shall make its recommendation for a replacement membership organization, if any, at the next regularly scheduled BAC meeting or as soon as practicable. The BAC, by a majority vote of the nine voting representatives, shall approve or reject the subcommittee's recommendation.
If the subcommittee's recommendation is rejected and the seat must be filled, the subcommittee shall reconvene as soon as practicable and the foregoing process shall be repeated until such time as the subcommittee's recommendation is approved.
In order to be considered for BAC membership under this rule, an organization must be a "qualified, interested organization." "Qualified, interested organization" means a unit of the executive branch or a formally organized corporation or association representing a viable and identifiable group of covered employers or covered employees as determined by the BAC in its sole discretion.
This subrule shall not be construed to affect the BAC positions reserved for the director of the department of administrative services or the position reserved for a citizen who is not a member of IPERS.
An organization petitioning for membership on the BAC must include the official name of the organization, a description of its organizational structure, the number of employers or employees represented, a description of prior activities by that organization regarding IPERS issues, and a brief explanation of the reasons why the organization should be selected as a replacement organization. The petition should also include the name and contact information for the organization's proposed representative and the name and contact information of the person completing the petition.
A formal review of petitions under this rule shall be conducted every three years. IPERS shall provide 60 days' prior written notice of the next formal review session to members who have indicated in writing that they wish to file such a petition. IPERS will provide 60 days' prior written notice of the next formal review to all other potential petitioners through its Internet site.
The subcommittee chosen to make recommendations regarding the replacement of a current membership organization shall not include the individual representing that organization on the BAC. However, any membership organization whose seat is being contested under this rule shall have the opportunity to submit written materials and make oral presentations to the subcommittee in support of its continued existence as a BAC membership organization.
For each formal review, the subcommittee on membership shall review all petitions for membership, if any, that have been filed after the most recent formal review under this rule. The subcommittee may also solicit petitions for BAC membership from any qualified, interested organization.
When one or more qualified, interested organizations have filed a petition to replace a current membership organization, the subcommittee on membership shall meet at least 30 days prior to the next formal review session to determine whether to recommend approval or rejection.
If the subcommittee on membership determines that the composition of the BAC would continue to satisfy subrule 3.2(1) regardless of the type of qualified, interested organization recommended, the subcommittee on membership may recommend any type of qualified, interested organization for a seat being sought under this rule.
However, if the subcommittee on membership determines that the composition of the BAC will only continue to satisfy subrule 3.2(1) if a current membership organization's seat is filled by a certain specific type of organization, the subcommittee on membership must limit its recommendations for approval to the types of organizations that would permit the composition of the BAC to continue to satisfy subrule 3.2(1).
The subcommittee shall present its recommendation regarding the replacement of a current membership organization at the next regularly scheduled formal review of petitions under this rule. The BAC, by a majority vote of the nine voting representatives, shall approve or reject the subcommittee's recommendation.
If the subcommittee determines that two qualified, interested organizations are competing for the same seat, the subcommittee shall, in its sole discretion, evaluate the competing organizations and make a recommendation that meets the requirements of this rule and takes into consideration the following factors: the number of employers or employees represented, the diversity of the representation, the degree to which the applicable constituents already have BAC representation through other BAC membership organizations, prior involvement in BAC activities, and prior activities as an IPERS advocate in other forums.
If the BAC votes to replace a current membership organization that holds a voting seat with a new membership organization, the replacement membership organization shall complete the remainder of the term for that voting seat. Otherwise, the new membership organization shall be seated as a nonvoting organization. Thereafter, if a vacancy occurs in a voting seat and the new membership organization is qualified to fill that voting seat, the new membership organization may compete for the vacant voting seat.
An organization that petitions for a seat under this rule and after a formal review is not selected must resubmit its petition for membership in order to receive consideration for a seat during the next scheduled formal review.
This subrule shall not be construed to affect the BAC position reserved for the director of the department of administrative services or the position reserved for a citizen who is not a member of IPERS.
Iowa Admin. Code r. 495-3.2