Current through Register Vol. 47, No.14, January 8, 2025
Rule 441-83.3 - Application(1)Application for HCBS health and disability waiver services. The application process as specified in rules 441-76.1 (249A) to 441-76.6 (249A) shall be followed.(2)Application and services program limit. The number of persons who may be approved for the HCBS health and disability waiver shall be subject to the number of members to be served as set forth in the federally approved HCBS health and disability waiver. The number of members to be served is set forth at the time of each five-year renewal of the waiver or in amendments to the waiver approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). When the number of applicants exceeds the number of members specified in the approved waiver, the applicant's name shall be placed on a waiting list maintained by the bureau of long-term care. a. The county department office shall enter all waiver applications into the individualized services information system (ISIS) to determine if a payment slot is available. (1) For applicants not currently receiving Medicaid, the county department office shall make the entry by the end of the fifth working day after receipt of a completed Form 470-2927 or 470-2927(S), Health Services Application, or within five working days after receipt of disability determination, whichever is later.(2) For current Medicaid members, the county department office shall make the entry by the end of the fifth working day after receipt of a written request signed and dated by the applicant.(3) A payment slot shall be assigned to the applicant upon confirmation of an available slot.(4) Once a payment slot is assigned, the county department office shall give written notice to the applicant. The department shall hold the payment slot for the applicant as long as reasonable efforts are being made to arrange services and the applicant has not been determined to be ineligible for the program. If services have not been initiated and reasonable efforts are no longer being made to arrange services, the slot shall revert for use by the next person on the waiting list, if applicable. The applicant originally assigned the slot must reapply for a new slot.b. If no payment slot is available, the department shall enter persons on a waiting list according to the following: (1) Applicants not currently eligible for Medicaid shall be entered on the waiting list on the basis of the date a completed Form 470-2927 or 470-2927(S), Health Services Application, is received by the department or upon receipt of disability determination, whichever is later.(2) Applicants currently eligible for Medicaid shall be added to the waiting list on the basis of the date a request as specified in 83.3(2)"a"(2) is received by the department.(3) In the event that more than one application is received at one time, persons shall be entered on the waiting list on the basis of the month of birth, January being month one and the lowest number.(4) Applicants who do not fall within the available slots shall have their application rejected, and their names shall be maintained on the waiting list. They shall be contacted to reapply as slots become available based on their order on the waiting list so that the number of approved persons on the program is maintained. The bureau of long-term care shall contact the county department office when a slot becomes available.(5) Once a payment slot is assigned, the county department office shall give written notice to the person within five working days. The department shall hold the payment slot for 30 days for the person to file a new application. If an application has not been filed within 30 days, the slot shall revert for use by the next person on the waiting list, if applicable. The person originally assigned the slot must reapply for a new slot.c. The county department office shall notify the bureau of long-term care within five working days of the receipt of an application and of any action on or withdrawal of an application.(3)Approval of application.a. Applications for the HCBS health and disability waiver program shall be processed in 30 days unless one or more of the following conditions exist: (1) An application has been filed and is pending for federal supplemental security income benefits.(2) The application is pending because the department has not received information which is beyond the control of the client or the department.(3) The application is pending due to the disability determination process performed through the department.(4) The application is pending because a level of care determination has not been made although the required assessment has been submitted to the IME medical services unit.(5) The application is pending because the required assessment has not been completed. When a determination is not completed 90 days from the date of application due to the lack of a completed assessment, the application shall be denied.b. Decisions shall be mailed or given to the applicant on the date when income maintenance eligibility and level of care determinations are completed.c. An applicant must be given the choice between HCBS health and disability waiver services and institutional care. The applicant, parent, guardian, or attorney in fact under a durable power of attorney for health care shall sign the assessment and indicate that the applicant has elected home- and community-based services.d. Waiver services provided prior to approval of eligibility for the waiver cannot be paid.e. A member may be enrolled in only one waiver program at a time. Costs for waiver services are not reimbursable while the member is in a medical institution (hospital or nursing facility) or residential facility. Services may not be simultaneously reimbursed for the same time period as Medicaid or other Medicaid waiver services.(4)Effective date of eligibility.a. Deeming of parental or spousal income and resources ceases and eligibility shall be effective on the date the income and resource eligibility and level of care determinations are completed but shall not be earlier than the first of the month following the date of application.b. The effective date of eligibility for the health and disability waiver for persons who qualify for Medicaid due to eligibility for the waiver services and to whom paragraphs 83.3(4)"a" and "c" do not apply is the date on which the income eligibility and level of care determinations are completed.c. Eligibility for persons covered under subparagraph 83.2(1)"c" (3) shall exist on the date the income and resource eligibility and level of care determinations are completed but shall not be earlier than the first of the month following the date of application.d. Eligibility continues until the member has been in a medical institution for 30 consecutive days for other than respite care. Members who are inpatients in a medical institution for 30 or more consecutive days for other than respite care shall be terminated from health and disability waiver services and reviewed for eligibility for other Medicaid coverage groups. The member will be notified of that decision through Form 470-0602, Notice of Decision. If the member returns home before the effective date of the notice of decision and the member's condition has not substantially changed, the denial may be rescinded and eligibility may continue.(5)Attribution of resources. For the purposes of attributing resources as provided in rule 441-75.5 (249A), the date on which the waiver applicant met the level of care criteria in a medical institution as established by the peer review organization shall be used as the date of entry to the medical institution. Only one attribution of resources shall be completed per person. Attributions completed for prior institutionalizations shall be applied to the waiver application.Iowa Admin. Code r. 441-83.3
ARC 0306C, IAB 9/5/12, effective 11/1/12; ARC 0757C, IAB 5/29/2013, effective 8/1/2013Amended by IAB January 06, 2016/Volume XXXVIII, Number 14, effective 1/1/2016Amended by IAB July 5, 2017/Volume XL, Number 01, effective 8/9/2017