* Oral and written communication development; and linguistics, including phonology and phonological awareness, sound-symbol association, syllable types, morphology, syntax and semantics, and the relationship of these components to typical and atypical reading development and reading instruction;
* Phonemic awareness;
* Word identification, including phonics and orthography;
* Fluency;
* Vocabulary;
* Comprehension;
* Writing mechanics;
* Writing conventions;
* Writing process;
* Children's literature.
* Assessment, diagnosis and evaluation of student learning in literacy, including the knowledge of the signs and symptoms of dyslexia and other reading difficulties;
* Integration of the language arts (to include reading, writing, speaking, viewing, and listening);
* Integration of technology in teaching and student learning in literacy;
* Current best-practice, research-based strategies and instructional technology for designing and delivering effective instruction, including appropriate interventions, groupings, remediation, assistive technology, and classroom accommodations for all students including students with dyslexia and other difficulties;
* Classroom management as it applies to literacy methods;
* Pre-student teaching clinical experience in teaching literacy.
* Numbers and operations;
* Algebra/number patterns;
* Geometry;
* Measurement;
* Data analysis/probability.
* Assessment, diagnosis and evaluation of student learning in mathematics;
* Current best-practice, research-based instructional methods in mathematical processes (to include problem solving; reasoning; communication; the ability to recognize, make and apply connections; integration of manipulatives; the ability to construct and to apply multiple connected representations; and the application of content to real world experiences);
* Integration of technology in teaching and student learning in mathematics;
* Classroom management as it applies to mathematics methods;
* Pre-student teaching clinical experience in teaching mathematics.
* History;
* Geography;
* Political science/civic literacy;
* Economics;
* Behavioral sciences.
* Current best-practice, research-based approaches to the teaching and learning of social sciences;
* Integration of technology in teaching and student learning in social sciences;
* Classroom management as it applies to social science methods.
* Physical science;
* Earth/space science;
* Life science.
* Current best-practice, research-based methods of inquiry-based teaching and learning of science;
* Integration of technology in teaching and student learning in science;
* Classroom management as it applies to science methods.
Iowa Admin. Code r. 282-13.26