Iowa Admin. Code r. 201-50.18

Current through Register Vol. 47, No.14, January 8, 2025
Rule 201-50.18 - Prisoner activities
(1)Exercise. Prisoners held beyond seven days and not leaving the jail pursuant to Iowa Code section 356.26 shall be offered exercise time.
a. A minimum of two one-hour exercise sessions shall be offered during each full calendar week. Playing board games or cards or reading is recreation and is not considered exercise. A record of exercise sessions shall be maintained according to subrule 50.22(15).
b. Restrictions. Exercise requirements may be restricted by disciplinary action.
c. Exercise areas. An exercise area outside the cell shall be available. Such area must provide opportunity for adequate exercise. Corridors and hallways must remain clear of equipment or material and must provide unimpeded access to exits.
d. Suspension of outdoor exercise. Outdoor exercise may be suspended during inclement weather Appropriate clothing shall be provided for exercise during winter months.
(2)Religion. All prisoners shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to pursue their religious faith. Any infringement upon the opportunity to pursue one's faith must further some compelling interest and must be the least restrictive means of furthering that interest.

The jail administrator or designee may plan, direct and supervise all aspects of a religious program, including approval and training of both laypersons and clergy persons ministering faiths represented in the prisoner population.

(3)Reading material. A reasonable quantity and variety of reading material shall be made available to prisoners.
a. Access to reading material from an outside source may be restricted to unused material sent directly from the publishing source.
b. Material deemed to be a threat to security or safety within the jail may be denied distribution.
c. Obscene material, as described in Iowa Code section 728.1, may be prohibited.
d. When a prisoner is denied access to a publication, the j ail administrator shall inform the prisoner of that denial in writing and shall explain, in writing, the reason(s) for denial.
(4)Discrimination. Prisoner activities, programs and services shall be available to prisoners with disabilities.

Iowa Admin. Code r. 201-50.18