Section 905 IAC 1-45-2 - Identification markersAuthority: IC 7.1-2-3-7; IC 7.1-3-6.5
Affected: IC 7.1-3-6.5
Sec. 2.
The commission shall prescribe the form of the identification marker required by IC 7.1-3-6.5. The marker must:
(1) enable the identification and tracking of the seller of the keg;(2) be removable or reusable only when the keg is returned to the wholesaler or brewer for refilling;(3) contain: (A) the name, address, and commission permit number of the commission wholesale, retail, or dealer permittee who sold the keg;(B) the name of the clerk making the sale;(C) the name, address, and date of birth of the purchaser;(D) the type of identification card and identification number used to verify the data required by clause (C); and(E) the dated signature of the purchaser;(4) be attached to the keg by a material that once removed by a person cannot be reattached to the keg in a manner that could conceal the prior removal; and(5) be in a form approved by and purchased from the commission at the amount of the commission's cost for producing it.Alcohol and Tobacco Commission; 905 IAC 1-45-2; filed Aug 29, 2003, 11:15 a.m.: 27 IR 189; filed Dec 30, 2004, 4:17 p.m.: 28 IR 1484; readopted filed Sep 9, 2009, 10:20 a.m.: 20091007-IR-905090609RFAReadopted filed 11/16/2015, 2:55 p.m.: 20151216-IR-905150254RFAReadopted filed 8/25/2021, 9:24 a.m.: 20210922-IR-905210227RFA