888 Ind. Admin. Code 1.1-5-3

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 888 IAC 1.1-5-3 - Reporting of substance abuse or psychiatric impairment

Authority: IC 25-38.1

Affected: IC 25-38.1

Sec. 3.

(a) For purposes of this section, "practitioner" is [sic.] means a:
(1) veterinarian who is licensed to practice veterinary medicine; or
(2) veterinary technician who is registered to work under the direct supervision of a licensed veterinarian; in accordance with IC 15-5-1.1[IC 15-5 was repealed by P.L. 2-2008, SECTION 83, effective July 1, 2008.].
(b) Any practitioner who has personal knowledge based upon a reasonable belief that another practitioner has a:
(1) severe dependency upon alcohol or other drugs or controlled substances; or
(2) psychiatric impairment; shall promptly report the conduct to the board unless the practitioner with the substance abuse problem or psychiatric impairment would be exempt from reporting himself or herself under subsection (c).
(c) A practitioner who voluntarily submits himself or herself to, or is otherwise undergoing, a course of treatment for:
(1) addiction;
(2) severe dependency upon alcohol or other drugs or controlled substances; or
(3) psychiatric impairment; where the treatment is sponsored or supervised by professional healthcare or substance abuse treatment providers shall be exempt from reporting to the board for so long as the practitioner is complying with the course of recommended treatment and making satisfactory progress.
(d) This section shall not, in any manner whatsoever directly or indirectly, be deemed or construed to:
(1) prohibit;
(2) restrict;
(3) limit; or
(4) otherwise preclude; the board from taking any action it deems appropriate or as may otherwise be provided by law.

888 IAC 1.1-5-3

Indiana Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners; 888 IAC 1.1-5-3; filed Mar 10, 2006, 8:46 a.m.: 29 IR 2201; readopted filed Jul 19, 2007, 12:53 p.m.: 20070808-IR-888070070RFA; readopted filed November 25, 2013, 9:20 a.m.: 20131225-IR-888130280RFA
Readopted filed 11/22/2016, 12:39 p.m.: 20161221-IR-888160325RFA
Readopted filed 11/18/2022, 9:12 a.m.: 20221214-IR-888220262RFA