868 Ind. Admin. Code 1.1-13-3.1

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 868 IAC 1.1-13-3.1 - Supervised experience

Authority: IC 25-33-1-3

Affected: IC 25-33-1

Sec. 3.1.

(a) To obtain endorsement as a health service provider in psychology, applicants must complete not fewer than two (2) years of experience consisting of the following:
(1) A minimum of one thousand five hundred (1,500) hours of experience in a successfully completed internship that meets the requirements in subsection (b).
(2) A minimum of one thousand six hundred (1,600) hours of supervised experience, accrued in not less than twelve (12) months, including a minimum of nine hundred (900) hours of direct patient contact, that is obtained through:
(A) doctoral level practicum experiences that meet the requirements in subsection (c);
(B) post-internship experience that meets the requirements in subsection (d); or
(C) a combination of clauses (A) and (B).
(b) An approved internship shall:
(1) occur within a twenty-four (24) month period;
(2) have approval of the psychology faculty of the applicant's academic program;
(3) consist of sequential and organized experiences in a supervised health service setting;
(4) have at least the equivalent of two (2) full-time psychologists to provide appropriate supervision;
(5) be designed to include a minimum of two (2) interns in the program per year;
(6) be declared and publicized by the internship site as an internship on a yearly basis;
(7) include one (1) psychologist who has been clearly designated as director of training or chief psychologist in charge of the program; and
(8) provide that all psychologists responsible for case supervision be licensed or certified psychologists by the jurisdiction in which the program is located.
(c) An approved doctoral level practicum experience shall as follows:
(1) Consist of sequential and organized experiences that occur outside of the classroom setting and involve the supervisee's direct delivery of supervised psychological services in:
(A) a practice;
(B) an agency;
(C) an institution;
(D) a counseling center;
(E) a graduate training clinic; or
(F) another setting approved by the director of training or designee.
(2) Be made or approved in advance by the director of training or designee.
(3) Have training objectives specified in terms of the competencies expected of the supervisee.
(4) Include at least fifty percent (50%) of the total hours of supervised experience in service-related activities, defined as:
(A) treatment/intervention;
(B) assessment;
(C) interviews;
(D) report-writing;
(E) case presentations; and
(F) consultations.
(5) Be appropriately supervised as follows:
(A) Not less than seventy-five percent (75%) of the required supervised hours shall be individual supervision provided by a supervisor as defined in section 1.1(i) of this rule.
(B) The remaining required supervised hours may be:
(i) individual or group supervision provided by a licensed allied mental health professional as deemed appropriate by a supervisor as defined in section 1.1(i) of this rule or the director of training or designee; or (ii) individual supervision provided by either a:
(AA) postdoctoral supervisee eligible for licensure as a psychologist; or
(BB) intern conducting supervision of the supervisee under an umbrella supervision arrangement with a health service provider in psychology.
(6) Have, on average, not less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the supervised professional experience devoted to face-to-face patient contact.
(7) On average, provide weekly face-to-face supervision devoted to the supervisee's cases at a ratio of not less than one (1) hour per ten (10) hours on-site and not less than one (1) hour per week.
(8) Have a clearly identifiable supervisor to provide individual supervision of the supervisee who:
(A) is available to the supervisee's clients and patients; and
(B) has responsibility for the cases being supervised.
(9) Count toward the experience required in this section only after the following prerequisites have been met:
(A) Completion of academic course work of a minimum of forty-eight (48) semester hours or seventy-two (72) quarter hours taken for academic credit in an applied (clinical, counseling, school, or other recognized training model in professional psychology) program. Credit from a master's or doctoral program in a related applied field evidenced by a graduate program transcript may count toward the minimum required course work, if approved by the director of training or designee.
(B) Completion of basic practicum experience in applied professional psychology or a related field of a minimum duration of four hundred (400) hours evidenced by a graduate transcript and approved by the director of training or designee.
(10) Adhere to the following guidelines:
(A) Psychological activities of the supervisee shall be subject to the supervisor's concurrence. When conflicts arise, these must be resolved to the satisfaction of the supervisor. The supervisee is responsible for providing sufficient and appropriate information to the supervisor regarding the supervisee's professional activities.
(B) The supervisor shall not be an employee of the supervisee or an independent contractor whose services are paid for by the supervisee.
(C) Supervision of others by the supervisee shall not count as direct patient contact.
(D) Teaching and research by the supervisee shall not count as direct patient contact.
(E) The supervisee's personal therapy shall not count toward the required hours of experience.
(d) An approved post-internship experience shall as follows:
(1) Be completed within a consecutive sixty (60) month period.
(2) Be conducted in:
(A) the office of the supervisor; or
(B) another suitable professional setting over which the supervisor has professional responsibility.
(3) Have a minimum of one (1) hour per week of individual face-to-face supervision provided on-site in:
(A) the office of the supervisor; or
(B) another suitable place within the professional setting over which the supervisor has professional responsibility.
(4) Adhere to the following guidelines:
(A) Psychological activities of the supervisee shall be subject to the supervisor's concurrence. When conflicts arise, these must be resolved to the satisfaction of the supervisor. The supervisee is responsible for providing sufficient and appropriate information to the supervisor regarding the supervisee's professional activities.
(B) The supervisor shall not be an employee of the supervisee or an independent contractor whose services are paid for by the supervisee.
(C) Supervision of others by the supervisee shall not count as direct patient contact.
(D) Teaching and research by the supervisee shall not count as direct patient contact.
(E) The supervisee's personal therapy shall not count toward the required hours of experience.

868 IAC 1.1-13-3.1

State Psychology Board; 868 IAC 1.1-13-3.1; filed Sep 8, 2010, 11:38 a.m.: 20101006-IR-868090925FRA
Readopted filed 11/22/2016, 12:30 p.m.: 20161221-IR-868160322RFA
Readopted filed 11/18/2022, 9:39 a.m.: 20221214-IR-868220190RFA