Authority: IC 27-1-3-7
Affected: IC 27-4-1-4
Sec. 16.
Interpretation of Section B 13 [this section]
This Section prohibits any statements or implication to the effect that only a specific number of policies will be sold or that a time is fixed for the discontinuance of the sale of the particular policy advertised because of special advantages available in the policy, unless such is the fact.
This Section prohibits any statements or implication in the same advertising media to the effect that only a specific number of policies will be sold, or that a time is fixed for the discontinuance of the sale of the particular policy advertised because of special advantages available in the policy, or that an individual will receive special advantages by enrolling within an open enrollment period or by a deadline date, unless such is the fact.
An applicant should be able to determine from the advertising the cost of his insurance. If the insurer charges an initial premium that differs from the renewal premium on the same mode, both the initial and renewal premium must be shown in the advertisement together with any increase in rate or reduction in coverage because of age.
760 IAC 1-18-16