75 Ind. Admin. Code 5-2-3

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 75 IAC 5-2-3 - Dealer registration; plates and restrictions

Authority: IC 9-32-3-1

Affected: IC 9-32

Sec. 3.

(a) Watercraft dealer registrations and license plates expire according to the schedule in IC 9-32-6-6.5.
(b) In addition to the requirements for watercraft dealer registration cards and watercraft dealer license plates under IC 9-32-8-8, the following requirements must be met by a watercraft dealer who holds a watercraft dealer registration card and watercraft dealer license plate:
(1) A watercraft dealer who wishes to receive a watercraft dealer registration card and watercraft dealer license plate shall be licensed and make an application for the watercraft dealer registration card and watercraft dealer license plate on a form prescribed by the secretary. The fee prescribed by IC 9-32-8-8 must accompany the application.
(2) A watercraft dealer registration card and set of two (2) watercraft dealer license plates must not be used to test or demonstrate more than one (1) watercraft at a time.
(3) Watercraft dealer registration cards and watercraft dealer license plates must be used exclusively in the usual and customary conduct and operation of the business of the watercraft dealer.
(4) Watercraft dealer registration cards and watercraft dealer license plates may not be used on a watercraft for which a watercraft dealer charges or receives compensation from a person other than an employee of the dealer.
(5) Watercraft dealer registration cards and watercraft dealer license plates may not be used on a watercraft leased or rented by the watercraft dealer to another person.
(6) Watercraft dealer registration cards and watercraft dealer license plates may not be used on a watercraft in excess of ten (10) days by a prospective buyer or service customer.
(7) Watercraft dealer registration cards and watercraft dealer license plates may not be used for the personal use of a watercraft unless the watercraft dealer or an employee of the watercraft dealer is present on the watercraft during its operation. To qualify as an employee under this subdivision, a bona fide employment relationship must be established by the watercraft dealer with the individual who claims to be an employee.
(8) Watercraft dealer registration cards and watercraft dealer license plates shall not be used to circumvent watercraft registration requirements including those requirements relating to taxation. An unlawful use of a watercraft dealer registration card or watercraft dealer license plate may be demonstrated by a watercraft dealer's possession of a watercraft on which a watercraft dealer registration card or watercraft dealer license plate is affixed:
(A) beyond the usual and customary period of time in the industry for holding a watercraft in inventory; or
(B) outside of the watercraft dealer's inventory for sale.
(9) A watercraft dealer registration card or watercraft dealer license plate must not be loaned, leased, or sold to a person who is not authorized to use the watercraft dealer registration card or watercraft dealer license plate or to a person who has or could obtain a watercraft dealer registration card or watercraft dealer license plate as a result of that person's business.

75 IAC 5-2-3

Secretary of State; 75 IAC 5-2-3; filed Jun 7, 1993, 10:00 a.m.: 16 IR 2356; readopted filed Jul 30, 2001, 10:31 a.m.: 24 IR 4232; readopted filed Nov 14, 2007, 1:31 p.m.: 20071212-IR-140070562RFA; readopted filed Nov 13, 2013, 3:25 p.m.: 20131211-IR-075130451RFA
Filed 12/14/2017, 1:15 p.m.: 20180110-IR-075160434FRA
Errata filed 3/8/2021, 1:00 p.m.: 20210317-IR-075210086ACA
Readopted filed 11/30/2023, 11:48 a.m.: 20231227-IR-075230626RFA

Transferred from the Bureau of Motor Vehicles (140 IAC 9-3-3) to the Secretary of State (75 IAC 5-2-3) by P.L. 106-2008, SECTION 54, effective July 1, 2008.