Section 71 IAC 12-2-19 - Allocation of breakage and outsAuthority: IC 4-31-3-9; IC 4-31-9-10
Affected: IC 4-31-11-10; IC 4-31-11-11
Sec. 19.
(a) Until and including December 31, 2012, all breakage and outs shall be distributed, irrespective of the number of tracks, between the standardbred breed development fund, thoroughbred breed development fund, and quarter horse breed development fund as established by the commission under IC 4-31-11-10 as follows: (1) Forty-eight percent (48%) to standardbred breed development.(2) Forty-eight percent (48%) to thoroughbred breed development; and(3) Four percent (4%) to quarter horse breed development.(b) Beginning January 1, 2013, all breakage and outs shall be distributed, irrespective of the number of tracks, between the standardbred breed development fund, thoroughbred breed development fund, and quarter horse breed development fund as established by the commission under IC 4-31-11-10 as follows: (1) Forty-six percent (46%) to standardbred breed development.(2) Forty-six percent (46%) to thoroughbred breed development; and(3) Eight percent (8%) to quarter horse breed development.Indiana Horse Racing Commission; 71 IAC 12-2-19; emergency rule filed Feb 13, 1998, 10:00 a.m.: 21 IR 2424; readopted filed Oct 30, 2001, 11:50 a.m.: 25 IR 899; emergency rule filed Nov 29, 2001, 1:20 p.m.: 25 IR 1190; emergency rule filed Aug 22, 2002, 12:41 p.m.: 26 IR 59, eff Jan 2, 2003; errata, 26 IR 382; readopted filed Mar 23, 2007, 11:31 a.m.: 20070404-IR-071070030RFA; emergency rule filed May 16, 2012, 2:15 p.m.: 20120523-IR-071120267ERA; readopted filed November 26, 2013, 11:25 a.m.: 20131225-IR-071130345RFAReadopted filed 8/28/2019, 1:23 p.m.: 20190925-IR-071190319RFAReadopted filed 8/3/2023, 12:49 p.m.: 20230830-IR-071230428RFA