Section 68 IAC 6-2-2 - Eviction formAuthority: IC 4-33-4; IC 4-35-4
Affected: IC 4-33; IC 4-35
Sec. 2.
(a) At the time of eviction, the casino licensee shall provide the evicted person with a two-part form that has been approved by the commission and shall advise the evicted person of, at a minimum, the following information: (1) The reason for the eviction.(2) The earliest date the person may apply for readmission.(3) The criteria that must be satisfied for readmission.(4) The procedure that must be followed in order to apply for readmission.(b) The evicted person shall sign both parts of the form. The evicted person shall retain part 1 of the form. The casino licensee shall retain part 2 of the form. In the event that an evicted person refuses to sign the form, the:(1) form shall be:(A) read to the evicted person; and(B) signed by a witness; and(2) refusal shall be noted on both parts of the form.(c) The casino licensee shall maintain part 2 of the form in a place that is immediately accessible to the staff and agents of the commission. The casino licensee shall retain the form for a period of not less than one (1) year after the person's eviction has expired.Indiana Gaming Commission; 68 IAC 6-2-2; filed Jul 10, 2000, 4:46 p.m.: 23 IR 3062; readopted filed Oct 15, 2001, 4:34 p.m.: 25 IR 898; readopted filed Sep 14, 2007, 1:40 p.m.: 20071003-IR-068070354RFA; filed Dec 6, 2012, 2:32 p.m.: 20130102-IR-068110786FRAReadopted filed 9/19/2018, 4:09 p.m.: 20181017-IR-068180283RFAReadopted filed 10/1/2024, 9:32 a.m.: 20241030-IR-068230797RFA