Current through January 8, 2025
Section 68 IAC 12-1-3 - Equipment specificationsAuthority: IC 4-33-4; IC 4-35-4
Affected: IC 4-33; IC 4-35
Sec. 3.
(a) Casino licensees must install a surveillance system in accordance with this rule.(b) Surveillance systems may use digital video recording to comply with the requirements of this rule.(c) The equipment used in the surveillance system must meet or exceed the following standards: (1) Black and white cameras must be as follows:(B) Two-thirds (2/3) or one-half (1/2) format.(C) Minimum four hundred (400) plus line resolution installed in fixed positions with matrix control or pan, tilt, and zoom capabilities.(D) Secreted from the public and nonsecurity personnel view to effectively and clandestinely monitor, in detail, from various points, the coverage described in this rule.(2) Color cameras must be as follows: (A) Two-thirds (2/3) or one-half (1/2) format.(B) Minimum three hundred twenty (320) plus line resolution with matrix control or pan, tilt, and zoom capabilities.(C) Secreted from the public and nonsecurity personnel view to effectively and clandestinely monitor, in detail, from various points, the coverage described in this rule.(3) Cameras must be equipped with lenses of sufficient magnification capabilities to allow the operator to clearly distinguish the value of the following: (E) Positions on the roulette wheel.(F) Cash and cash equivalents.(4) Surveillance system display screens must be as follows: (A) Meet or exceed the highest resolution capabilities of video cameras used in a casino licensee's surveillance system.(B) Be equipped with a date and time generator synchronized to a central clock and the central computer system capable of being:(i) displayed on any of the surveillance system display screens; and(ii) recorded on video tape, video pictures, or digital images.(C) A surveillance system display screen must be as follows: (i) Measure diagonally at least twelve (12) inches.(ii) Have all controls located on the front of the surveillance system display screen.(iii) Possess solid state circuitry.(5) Analog videotape recorders must be as follows:(A) Produce high quality, first generation pictures that meet or exceed the highest resolution capabilities of video cameras used in a casino licensee's surveillance system.(B) Be nonconsumer, industrial grade, capable of recording on a standard one-half (1/2) inch VHS tape with the following: (ii) Flickerless playback capability in real-time.(C) Be capable of taping what is viewed by any camera in the system.(D) Be of a sufficient number to allow the following:(i) Simultaneous taping of coverage required by this rule.(iii) Duplication capabilities.(iv) Single channel recorders in the following areas, unless otherwise approved by the executive director or designee:(AA) Entry and exit turnstiles.(BB) All areas of the main bank and casino cages.(EE) Ticket redemption kiosks.(FF) Automated teller machines.(v) No more than four (4) channels per single unit in all other areas where surveillance is required, unless otherwise approved by the executive director or designee.(6) Video printers must be capable of the following:(B) Generating instantaneous, upon command clear, color, or black and white copies of images depicted on the surveillance system display screen or video recording.(7) Printers used in conjunction with a digital video recording system must be capable of printing a clear, still copy using a minimum of four (4) colors at six hundred (600) by six hundred (600) dots per inch on photo quality paper.(8) Date and time generators must be as follows:(A) Be based on a synchronized central or master clock.(B) Be capable of being recorded along with an image, so that the date and time are visible on any surveillance system display screen when recorded.(C) Have a backup power supply so that it remains accurate despite power interruptions.(9) Equipment must allow audio capabilities in the soft count room.(10) Wiring systems must be designed to prevent tampering and must possess the following requirements or capabilities: (A) Be supplemented with a backup gas generator power source or diesel generator power source, or both, that automatically engages in case of a power failure.(B) Be capable of returning full power within seven (7) to ten (10) seconds after a power failure.(11) Video switchers must be capable of both manual and automatic sequential switching for the appropriate cameras.(12) The following must be in reserve in the event of equipment malfunctions: (A) A minimum of the following four (4) backup cameras:(i) Two (2) fixed position cameras with matrix control.(ii) Two (2) with pan, tilt, and zoom capabilities.(B) Two (2) recording devices.(13) Digital video systems, which are used to comply with the requirements of this rule for surveillance required by section 4 of this rule, must meet the following additional standards: (A) Digital video systems shall be enterprise systems capable of the following:(ii) Recording what is viewed by any camera in the system.(iii) Allowing simultaneous recording and playback.(iv) Providing uninterrupted recording while using the playback or copy functions.(B) Image quality of digital video systems must be as follows:(i) Function utilizing image by image compression.(ii) Be capable of recording and viewing at a minimum of thirty (30) frames per second, full screen on every channel in the system.(C) Digital video systems must record and view at a minimum rate of the following: (i) Thirty (30) frames per second in the following areas:(BB) All images of cash or cash equivalents being transported.(CC) Areas of the main bank and casino cages.(EE) All images viewed on a surveillance system display screen.(FF) Entry and exit turnstiles.(ii) Seven and one-half (7.5) frames per second in parking areas and nonsensitive areas of the pavilion.(iii) Fifteen (15) frames per second in the following areas:(AA) Electronic gaming device areas.(BB) Where gaming equipment is transported or stored on the property of the casino licensee.(CC) All images that constitute redundant coverage of areas already covered at thirty (30) frames per second.(DD) Any area not specified in item (i) or (ii).(iv) Two (2) frames per second in any area, including those specified in items (i), (ii), and (iii), if:(AA) motion activated recording is used; and(BB) no activity is taking place in the area.(D) Digital video systems shall have the following:(i) Live and recorded visual resolution with clarity the equivalent of four (4) common intermediate format (4CIF) or better.(ii) The following reliability guarantees:(AA) Redundant system drives.(BB) Redundant power supplies.(CC) Storage the equivalent of redundant array of independent disks five (5) (RAID 5) or better.(DD) Be equipped with hot swappable backup storage components, which will automatically resume recording in the event of failure of any single component of the storage system, such that the failure of any single component will not result in the loss of data from the storage system.(EE) Failure of the digital video recording system must be repaired within twenty-four (24) hours of the failure.(FF) Fault tolerant storage.(GG) Automatic restart in the event of failure.(E) Digital video systems must meet the following security standards to guarantee the integrity of the system and recordings: (i) Function as a closed network with access limited to those persons identified in written policies governing the administration of the network, specifying the access levels of the individuals who will have the ability to access the network.(ii) Be equipped to ensure that transmissions are encrypted, fire-walled on both ends, and password protected.(iii) Be equipped with a failure notification system that provides an audible and a visual notification of a failure in the surveillance system or the digital video recording storage system.(iv) Record all images and audit trail records on a hard drive.(v) Be locked by the manufacturer to do the following: (AA) Disable the erase and reformat functions.(BB) Prevent access to the system data files.(vi) Be equipped with data encryption or watermarking so that surveillance personnel will be capable of demonstrating in a court of law that the video was not altered or manipulated in any way.(d) Telephone capabilities must be connected to the casino general telephone system. Radio communications must be connected with the security department.Indiana Gaming Commission; 68 IAC 12-1-3; filed Feb 13, 1996, 5:30 p.m.: 19 IR 1558; readopted filed Nov 25, 2002, 10:11 a.m.: 26 IR 1261; filed Jun 2, 2006, 4:45 p.m.: 29 IR 3334; readopted filed Nov 16, 2012, 10:51 a.m.: 20121212-IR-068120413RFA; filed Dec 6, 2012, 2:32 p.m.: 20130102-IR-068110786FRAFiled 11/13/2015, 2:37 p.m.: 20151209-IR-068150113FRAReadopted filed 9/30/2021, 2:07 p.m.: 20211027-IR-068210351RFAReadopted filed 10/1/2024, 9:32 a.m.: 20241030-IR-068230797RFA