Rule 675 IAC 31-4 - Administration
- Section 675 IAC 31-4-1 - Responsibility for compliance
- Section 675 IAC 31-4-2 - Enforcement
- Section 675 IAC 31-4-3 - Operating permit form; application
- Section 675 IAC 31-4-4 - Annual inspection
- Section 675 IAC 31-4-5 - Inspection seal
- Section 675 IAC 31-4-6 - Periodic on-site inspection
- Section 675 IAC 31-4-7 - Correction order
- Section 675 IAC 31-4-8 - Sealed out of service
- Section 675 IAC 31-4-9 - Subsequent inspection
- Section 675 IAC 31-4-10 - Reinspections
- Section 675 IAC 31-4-11 - Reporting injuries, deaths, and mechanical failures