50 Ind. Admin. Code 4.2-15-8

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 50 IAC 4.2-15-8 - Assessment of leased data processing equipment

Authority: IC 6-1.1-31-1

Affected: IC 6-1.1-3

Sec. 8.

In recognition of the fact that certain intangible charges may be included in the base year value of the subject equipment, the department has authorized the following adjustment procedure:

(1) Base year value for leased data processing equipment shall be the current commercial published selling price for new equipment.
(2) If the current selling price as defined in subdivision (1) includes charges for one (1) or more of the following customer support services, such charges shall be allowable as an adjustment to base year value in Column B, Form 103-Long ( 50 IAC 4.2-2-9) , to the extent that such charges can be segregated from the total selling price, supported by adequate records and such adjustments clearly shown on Form 106 ( 50 IAC 4.2-2-9) . Customer support services shall be limited to the following:
(A) Educational services. Training and instruction in the use of electronic data processing equipment provided to the user thereof, such as on-site education, classroom instruction, and educational publications.
(B) Maintenance. This would be tests, measurements, replacements, adjustments, and repairs intended to keep data processing equipment in satisfactory working condition.
(C) Application software. The application program is a written sequence of instructions that details the operations the equipment is to perform in order to achieve a specific objective of the user.

Any adjustment for the purposes in clauses (A) through (C) must be factually documented by the taxpayer and shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total base year valuation of subject equipment.

50 IAC 4.2-15-8

Department of Local Government Finance; 50 IAC 4.2-15-8; filed Dec 7, 1988, 9:35 a.m.: 12 IR 895, eff Mar 1, 1989; reinstated by IC 6-1.1-3 -22, eff Jul 1, 2003; filed Feb 26, 2010, 2:43 p.m.: 20100324-IR-050090576FRA
Filed 11/2/2020, 9:34 a.m.: 20201202-IR-050190636FRA