Rule 470 IAC 5-9 - Medicaid Medical Policy
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-1 - Global fee billing (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-2 - Codes and descriptions (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-3 - Services requiring prior authorization (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-4 - Out-of-state medical services (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-5 - Restricted utilization cards (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-6 - Administrative review (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-7 - Medical records; contents and retention (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-8 - Consultations (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-9 - Second opinions (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-10 - Office visits (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-11 - Office visits exceeding established parameters (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-12 - Medical services (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-13 - Podiatric services (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-14 - Surgical services (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-15 - Hospital services (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-16 - Long term care; skilled nursing services (Repealed)
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-17 - Long term care; intermediate nursing services (Repealed)
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-18 - Intermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-19 - Medical services rendered outside the government-owned ICF/MR (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-20 - Community residential facility for developmentally disabled (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-21 - Radiology services (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-22 - Mental health services (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-23 - Inpatient therapy services (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-24 - Outpatient therapy services (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-25 - Allied health services (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-25.1 - Case management services for pregnant women (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-26 - Laboratory services (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-27 - Anesthesia services (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-28 - Medical supplies; durable medical equipment; prosthetic devices (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-29 - Transportation services (Repealed)
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-30 - Dental services (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-31 - Pharmacy services (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-32 - EPSDT periodicity and screening schedule (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-33 - Periodicity schedule for recipients age 21 years and older (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-34 - Coronary care unit (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-35 - Medical and surgical intensive care unit (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-36 - Progressive care unit (post ICU/CCU or onset within 24 hours) (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-37 - Rehabilitation unit (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-38 - Acute care hospital admission (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 5-9-39 - Outpatient ambulatory surgical services (Transferred)