Rule 470 IAC 2-5 - Child Support
- Section 470 IAC 2-5-1 - Definitions (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 2-5-2 - Eligibility and fees for parent locator and child support services; collection processing service (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 2-5-3 - Recovery of costs in nonpublic assistance child support cases (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 2-5-4 - Termination of child support services (Repealed)
- Section 470 IAC 2-5-5 - Safeguarding information (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 2-5-6 - Funding and withholding of funds to the clerk of the circuit court (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 2-5-7 - Cancellation of cooperative agreement with the prosecuting attorney; notice; withholding of reimbursement (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 2-5-8 - Division of incentive payment (Repealed)
- Section 470 IAC 2-5-9 - Regular access authority to information in the state department of public welfare personal information system (Repealed)
- Section 470 IAC 2-5-10 - Date of collection; individual (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 2-5-11 - Acceptance of payments; requirements (Repealed)
- Section 470 IAC 2-5-12 - Requirements for converting support payments received directly by the recipient; condition for continuin (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 2-5-13 - Distribution of child support collections (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 2-5-14 - Distribution of support to nonpublic assistance participants who receive child support services (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 2-5-15 - Recoupment of an overpayment of child support collections (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 2-5-16 - Recoupment of public assistance payments in cases participating in the child support program; restrictions; recomputation (Repealed)
- Section 470 IAC 2-5-17 - Suspension or discontinuance of assistance based on support collected (Repealed)
- Section 470 IAC 2-5-18 - Discontinuance or suspension based on excess payments; sufficient other income (Repealed)
- Section 470 IAC 2-5-19 - Re-examination and appeal; procedure (Repealed)
- Section 470 IAC 2-5-20 - Withdrawal from nonpublic assistance child support services; notice and payment of charges (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 2-5-21 - Allocation among multiple income withholding orders (Repealed)
- Section 470 IAC 2-5-22 - State income tax refund intercept (Transferred)