Rule 45 IAC 18-3 - Charity Gaming
- Section 45 IAC 18-3-1 - Allowable events (Transferred)
- Section 45 IAC 18-3-2 - Conducting an allowable event (Transferred)
- Section 45 IAC 18-3-3 - Product specifications (Repealed)
- Section 45 IAC 18-3-4 - Calendar raffle; sale of tickets, calendars, and drawings for prizes (Transferred)
- Section 45 IAC 18-3-5 - Replacement of tickets in the drawing container (Transferred)
- Section 45 IAC 18-3-6 - Refunds (Transferred)
- Section 45 IAC 18-3-7 - Use of proceeds (Voided)
- Section 45 IAC 18-3-8 - Specific uses of proceeds (Voided)